[The earth is FLAT] Sorry for the confusion on my part and thank you for sticking with me in this CRAZY journey.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #flatearth7 years ago (edited)

Guys I know it sounds crazy to you, as if you have not realized this yet, but I am here to tell you that the earth we live on is FLAT as a pancake!! If you don't know this by now, then it is time to wake up!! Take the time to research the topic! (Keep in mind that it took me more then 1 year to deprogram my brain on this topic and as late as yesterday I had doubt in my mind!!)

I foresee now that I am going to spend a lot of time posting and talking about this topic, since I understand that not many know that the earth is flat. I had a similar "job" / role connected to Bitcoin back in 2013 / 2014, and see now, still many have not waken up to that Bitcoin is genius - I wonder how hard it will be to convince people about that the earth is flat. I guess first thing to do is to try to get friendships with other flat earthers!!

This is the biggest of all lies and it really show how much of a dream world I (and most other people) grow up in!... Its at times very unbelievable and also scary, especially because of the potential ridicule this lie can bring!

I have invited one of the bigger Flat Earthers of youtube to come to Steemit and I hope to invite more and that they will show up, as Steemit is suppose to be a place where we can bring the truth forward... even here are many statists I found :(...

Here are the 2 videos that "debunked" the Turning Torso video for me:

Here is a video where he shows the effect of curvature on a flat earth !!!!

Here is a video where he basically explain how the effect of curvature, doesn't necessarily means curvature.

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You are kidding, right? Circumnavigation? Weather balloon photos? Not to mention CGI did not exist before 1991....

Have you EVER flown in an aeroplane?

Its possible to fly around the Flat Earth. Not sure what you mean with "Weather balloon photos?"?, I guess they painted the images before 1991.

Please find me a true picture of the "ball earth" and post it here in the comments, I really look forward to seeing that :)

Show us the edge if it's flat, we haven't reached the fucking edge? O I have to watch some youtube videos to explain what holds up the earth and how gravity works or lunar eclipse or the omega ratio found in everything at different longitudes in different ratios if the sun is a spotlight, and what would be the purpose of this endeavor which needs the cooperation of every pilot and scientist out there? Is there one professional that has resources and balls to speak the truth besides some guy on the internet who has literally said "it looks like fake" or "true picture", regardless that we know from eclipses just like our ancestors knew what is up. Next you're going to deny that anything about space is fake, including things like Project Clementine which photographed the moon, or mars, those satellite images are all fake, including the fake globe that is google earth filled with seamless images of terrain from numerous sources. The only other thing to mention is that if there is a horizon how do you explain in on a flat plane? If it's flat everyone should pretty much see the tallest point, and from the tallest point you should see to infinity or at least the edge, if you don't understand the basics of flat plane, what is the horizon hiding behind? I guarantee that you will not address these things and even if you pick one and ignore the rest you will say something lame and opinionated that cannot be demonstrated or proven and leave at a baseless assertion.

There are actually hundreds! From ISS, from the moon, WEATHER FUCKING BALLOONS (google it if you are so clever) and so many others. But of course arguing with stupid is impossible. You seem to assume everything is fake...

All the footage from NASA looks fake to me.

I have seen amateur balloon at a 100 thousand feet, showing NO CURVATURE!

100 feet... Are you listening to yourself? Do you understand ANYTHING about scale?

actually I don't remember the exact height of the amateur balloon, it is is high enough to "reveal" the curvature, but there ain't any.

Why not show a photo of the ball earth right here in the comments? Oh I forgot you can't since the earth is FLAT!

earth 1.jpg

From ISS
ball earth.jpg

From Moon


From weather ballon, but you will call them fake proving how narrow-minded you are.

Oh, and...

Yes they all look fake to me.

that one of the earth seen from the moon, is proven-ed to be photo-shopped, since if you change the saturation, a box appears around the earth, suggesting strongly that it was placed there, look up there are many videos showing this.

100 thousand of course

I don't know how you cannot see the curve. Is the atmosphere confusing you?

Show me the curve !

Oh you can't, why? Because there is NO CURVE, the earth is FLAT!

Watch this for 24 hours and tell me if your narrow-minded view is correct.

I live in South-Africa. Not even with our most powerful telescopes can we see New York or Hong-Kong. By your logic, we should be able to. Or has the ocean also got mountains blocking the view?

There is a limit to how fare you can see on a flat earth, due to all kinds of things blocking the view.

That video from NASA is so fake. Also a funny fact, where are all the satellites? Satellites don't exist, but shouldn't they be visible from the ISS in their fake cartoon video and on other fake photos from NASA?

Doesn't answer me. Why can't I see New York if the Earth is flat?

This is explained in many videos by FLAT EARTH ASSHOLE and ODD TV on youtube. I can not replicate all the reasons to this, but from what I remember:

There is dust, wind, refraction effect, hail and a lot of other weather conditions, that have the effect that it block your view over long distances. There are many video experiments that also illustrate this.

is this becoming a daily thing?

Looks like it. The earth is FLAT !

on some days it is... on others it isn't... on days when it isnt, it is also hollow from 4pm to 8pm before it unwraps to be a disc again!

I posted my journey on the topic, yes!

The earth is flat...

I'm pretty certain it's a triangle. Illuminati confirmed.

Just stop dude the earth is round!!

Go to google and search for images and type "earth in space". Then tell me if any of these images look real to you? Hint: they are all fake, cartoons and CGI's !

I can't tell if you are trolling or you are just dumb?

None of what you mentioned, have you seen "FEA"'s and ODD's youtube videos on the topic? Also can you find a real picture of the supposed ball earth for me, please just post it here in a comment. Hint: you can't find it because it doesn't exists, why? Because the earth is FLAT!

So basically any picture I put up here you just gonna say is fake?

FYI. Those videos have been debunked, so I do not think you are very informed.

I have watched most videos on the topic, also debunks in both directions. I see the earth as FLAT. If you see is as a ball then just post a picture of your beloved ball, I like to see it :)

Every other planet in the known universe is spherical. You can observe this with a telescope. Why would the earth be the only anomaly?

Also how can you explain the movement of the sun, moon and stars every 24 hours? Do they all rotate around the earth on some sort of cosmic conveyor belt? If not, and we assume the earth is flat for arguments sake, the 'flat earth' must itself rotate around a central pivot, but then everything would slide off it right? I'm not trying to be difficult, I would just to understand your counter argument to these points because these points are just a couple out of many which make me remain convinced the earth is a sphere.

Watch ODD TV and FLAT EARTH ASSHOLE on youtube, and you will find the answers to your questions.

The earth is flat and you have been lied to since you where born!

@inity , I could do the same to all the people that said Bitcoin was just a pyramid hype scam... I have to say the earth is flat... I like to ask people to find me a real picture of the supposed ball earth, and I ask the same of you.... go to google and type "earth from space" and then find me a real photo of the supposed ball earth, that is just the first step!

But just for your (and mine) amusement.
from ISS (International space station)
Fake images, right? Amirite? The earth is a triangle.

I have looked at the two pictures in the links you send me, they do not look real to me! Its almost hilarious that you think those images are real!


WTF, is this trolling or you take it real ?

Do any of these look real to you?

earth is flat.png

I don't even try to answer this...


You have been lied to since you where born! The earth is flat!

Um... Ok, if you say so, damn that's was obvious.

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