The day I became an Flat Earther (yes, I now believe the Earth is FLAT!)

in #flatearth8 years ago

It happened yesterday (20. august 2016), I watched some flat earth videos on youtube. I have heard about this movement about 6-12 months ago, but at that time my mind was not ready to believe this. I had the same respond as most people of today have the first time they hear this: Thats crazy!

Why we automatically think, that its crazy automatically? Well the answer is very simple, thats what they told 99% of us in the school, that some people from the past, thought the earth was flat, and it was be course they didnt know better. Even you got killed if you thought the earth was flat.

Please watch the best videos on youtube with the arguments. The main argument that convinced me, is the curbiture is missing on 100s of experiments. It took me 6-12 months for my brain to adjust to this new info, and first yesterday I began to believe that the earth is flat and I am still thinking more about what this mean for us all!?!?

I mean, I knew that we was lied too, I first realized this in 2003-2004, when I first realized that the monitary system was very unfair and had an exploisive nature. Then it took many years before I realized that 9/11 was a lie and now that the earth is flat?

I am happy we have steem, bitcoin and other things like that, think about it, Steemit is the first social media that cannot be sensored by masons/illuminati/government!! We have this place now!! (if the blockchain is really secure??? its still a fairly new system).

Anyway, this video is one of the better about the flat earth, but there are more on youtube:

Decide for yourself. I will recommend you to look at the argument more then one time and give your mind time to get used to this idea. Most minds have a hard time believing this, as we are so hardly programmed to believe what we have been told in the schools. It took me 6-12 months to convince my mind! I hope you see the truth as soon as possible, as we need you on the freedom team, so we can find out what is really going on!

Lasse Ehlers


LOL you're a real card

What do you mean by card?

Yup, you should keep an open mind. This model makes more sense to me.

The earth is flat - period. There is evidence for this claim. There is no claim for that the world is round. Its the biggest lie of our time, so yes its hard to believe at first. Try seeing the evidence for the flat earth and if you have a logical mind, you will realize that we live on a flat plane.

the evidence is that you are some kind of redneck who never moved from his/her village...

I think you missed the funny tag

I am not sure how long I will respond to people that have not "wakened up from the lie", but its not funny at all, that they have lied to us, controlled us, stolen from us and killed many of us for 500 years or so...

Its not even funny for me to look at how programmed people are to believe in the lies.

It's pretty hard to take your point of view seriously as the grammar and spelling level in your piece seems to be that of a 6 year old. Of course you think the world is flat, you can't even spell 'curvature' ("curbiture"?! really? Does the world have a 'curb' now?) Even the title of your piece is flawed... "The day I became an Flat Earther"... It should be 'a Flat Earther' not 'an Flat Earther'. I count more than 20 grammatical or spelling errors in your short piece. You wrote one sentence..."that some people from the past, thought the earth was flat, and it was be course they didnt know better. Even you got killed if you thought the earth was flat." The atrocious spelling and grammatical issues in this sentence aside I assume you mean that people were killed for thinking the world was round no? You can't even make your own points properly. If you strongly believe something that you can't express properly in an intelligent way maybe it's about time to re-think everything else in your life too.

Hallo Kristof, I am aware of that my spelling and gramma is often not correct. Its something that I never priorities, and posting here on steemit, have been an experiment for me, for the last 2 weeks. Also I am communicating alot with people that are not perfect in English, that have different "versions of English"... I dont know if you know it, but alot of people in the world use English, that are "broken"?..

Anyway, I appreciate that you point out my language flaws. I am also aware of that I need to write more correct English, if I want to do an serious attempt here on Steemit... as I said for now, I just wanted to test the platform. I have in mind that I might, choose to learn one way of English completely! But then again, there are different English rules in: the US, England, Philippines, Thailand, brazil or Africa.. they all have different variations of English, I believe? So which one to choose?? And then in the end maybe my "world mix" and no gramma-rules English, might serve at bigger audience?

flaws in language, flaw in understanding basic sciences and maths... where do you excel ?

I might rewrite the post, as a new post, with correct English... I wrote this post very fast and dont have time to correct it at the moment... Anyway this post, was also to prove the date I realized that I am A flat earth'er!

Ok the earth is properbly an ball :)

I am confused, need to do the experiment with curvature myself... get back after...

if it is flat, it probably have a curb

This experiment is more logical and should be more accurate then looking over water, but they claim that the earth is CONCAVE!! Now its getting really crazy, now we have 3 different groups:

Convex earthers (the globemodel we learn in school and society)
Concave earther (Rectilineator experiment)
and Flat earther (People making observations of the supposely flat earth)

I give up on this discussion and will wait to make any conclusion till there is solid prove of any of the 3.

And here is footage that "proof" the round earth:

Ok I am not a flat earther and will properbly never be.

Nice video & yes he put lot of effort behind this.

I don’t understand the Sun theory.

  • Did Sun rotate around Earth or Earth rotate around Sun? Who is rotating & who stay at his place?
  • If we believe in Flat earth theory, it states Antarctica is at the bottom. No matter Earth rotate around Sun or Sun rotate around Earth, there will be direct Sun on Antarctica isn’t it? So, the Ice on Antarctica has to melt on daily basis & sea level should increase day by day. Just imagine the temperature on Equator. There will be Equator on Antarctica.
  • Again why only on upper part & below part of earth have hugh amount of ice. (Upper part means North pole if you consider Earth as globe & below part means Antarctica).
  • Take a CD or DVD assume it as a flat earth. Do this experiment in Dark Room. Take a torch & point it on the bottom surface of CD or DVD you can find that torch light is on all CD or DVD. Now assume torch as Sun & CD as flat earth. Bottom part of earth is Australia (as Australia is closer to Antarctica). What I want to say is, if there is a day in Australia then there is day in all part of earth. Night means, night in all country of world. But this is not the case at all. What we find is when there is a day in some country, in some country there is a mid night or night.

I am not saying is he is wrong. Infact I watch a lot of video on flat earth. But he done a lot of research, come with very good info. I have commented same in the You tube of ODD Reality. Just hope that he will provide answers.

Thanks once again for sharing these video.

Hi Himsagar,

Let me try and see if I can answer your questions.

  1. In Flat Earth theory the sun rotate in a circle over the flat plane. On a ball earth, the earth rotate around the sun.
  2. Flat Earth theory, the Antarctica is an ice-wall surrounding the flat earth.
  3. The sun rotate, in both theories, close to equator. So the sun are not so close to north and south poles/Antarcticas ice-wall.
  4. I dont understand your experiment.

I have to say I do not believe in the Flat Earth.


but the sun... is it flat too ?
and the moon flat the other planet (I mean the stuff you can observe with telescope, since no one went to space...) and GPS how does it work ? what signal is that using ?

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