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RE: Emergency Plane Landing Shows Idiocy of Flat Earth Thought: Refuting Flat Earth Memes #1

in #flatearth7 years ago (edited)

You see a dude with a hand-drawn map on a SQUARE piece of paper, with a square Antarctica/ice wall, not done by auto-cad or any other program that anyone can actually check his distances, drawn without longitude and latitude, without a scale of measurements... and you accept it without any question! LOL.

Not to mention that there are virtually NO Flat earthers using this map, but instead using the Azimuthal projection map for their thought experiments.

If this is THE correct flat earth map, why isn't even the FLAT earth community accepting this? (Hint: it might be because it's a hand drawn map on a square piece of paper.)

Also, it CERTAINLY doesn't explain and is in direct contrast to:

MIrror image sundials in northern and southern hemispheres
24 hour days at all the far outside points of his map, all at the same time on their summer solstice, while the CENTER of the map is in darkness during that time
The circumnavigation of Antarctica
The sun setting due west everywhere on the planet on the spring equinox
Star trails in the northern hemisphere going different directions from star trails in ALL countries of the southern hemisphere, and also different at the equator
Why people in the outside edge of that map see all the same stars, spinning in the same direction, but in the CENTER of that map, they see different stars spinning in the opposite direction.
Mirror image equatorial mount telescopes for the different hemispheres
Why the moon appears one direction in the CENTER of that map, but upside down at far outer points of the map.

and I'd have to see his model of the sun and moon over it to see if it explains seasonality, how the sun sets minutes earlier at the bottom of tall buildings, moon phases, etc.

But SOOOO many things still wrong with his map. For instance, until it's on a computer program with correct distances and latitude and longitude, there's no way to tell if it can explain current sea and sailing routes, flight routes, etc.

But it's VERY weird that you accept a dude on YouTube's hand drawn map as THE OFFICIAL MAP OF FLAT EARTH without even being ABLE to check distances, longitude, latitude and such... but REJECT OUTRIGHT thousands of years of science on the topic, accurate globes with accurate distances that explain all of the above, that GPS uses spheroidal math and helps millions of people accurately navigate the earth properly every day, and thousands of other phenomenon that we see every day.

See why you guys have no credibility? You require THOUSANDS of times more evidence for round earth as you do for flat earth. We have a model that explains EVERYTHING that I mentioned perfectly... but without even being ABLE to test this model, you accept it UNCONDITIONALLY as FACT and correct, even though the model CANNOT explain the things that I mentioned just on it's face.

Can you see how irrational and illogical that is?

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