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RE: Flight Times Debunk the Flat Earth Hypothesis

in #flatearth7 years ago

Wow, I can't even COUNT the number of fallacies you proposed in this one post. It's MINDBOGGLING how dumbed down the educational system has made people.

A. LEARN GRAMMAR AND PUNCTUATION. You are trying to tell us you are smarter than Tesla and Einstein, but you can't even use a period?

B. What is HELL does NASA, fake or real, have to do with the shape of the earth? You have to be a mental midget not to realize that people have been proving the earth was a spinning ball for thousands of years before NASA, right? Holy shit. Please stop the entirely retarded non-sequiturs.

C. "you only stick in this map thing, there are many opinions about it,there are no flat earthers 100 % in any model,"

Yes, they do. They think the earth is FLAT. That they have no model, and not even a MAP means that they could not have even done due diligence to see if such a model was POSSIBLE. You literally are saying that you reject a model because it's impossible, but have adopted a model that is provably impossible! That you cannot see the inherent retardation in this is baffling.

D. " but is sure we are not in a spinning ball traveling in a infinity universe, "

Assertions without evidence are all you have. Also, appeals to incredulity are fallacies, and not evidence. Please stop making them.

E. "but they made this heliocentric model with the intention of control the population, to keep the humanity disconnect from reality"

Assertions without evidence are not arguments, but are fallacies that are more evidence of mental incapacity than the shape of the earth.

F. " Just think for yourself". Repeating YOutube nonsense is not thinking for yourself simply because you are not repeating other things.

G. You did not provide ONE SHRED of evidence, in all that missive, that a flat earth model is even remotely POSSIBLE, let alone evidence to support it.

That is why no one takes you nutjobs seriously.


first, i don't speak in english, i am from Argentina and learned english by myself, so, sorry about grammatical errors, is because of that..
this history about Eratosthenes and the shape of earth is very stupid, people think about flat earth for thousands of years, many ancient civilisations believe in some form of flat earth,
about the year 1460 secret societies put this globe model in the science mainstream of that time and start to indoctrinate all the population. Nasa is part of it, is part of freemasonery, all the astronauts are mason, that is fact and you can google it, Newton was mason, Eisenstein mason, men, all this heliocentric pseudoscience is pure mindcontrol mason shit, you can research it, but maybe you don't because you are so indoctrinated that think you are the master of truth or something and insult me or anyone that think different or point some data you simply deny.
iam for sure not in a spinning ball becouse i don't feel any move, and don't see any curvature in any altitud or any distance, and supposed gravity don't make sanse becouse how this magical indetectable force keep we all, and atmospher and ocean stiked to the ground and win over the cetrifugal force of the high speed rotation of the earth plus the super high speed of earth going around the sun? this not make any sanse, how you can feel this supposed gravity so weak that you can jump and stand and birds can fly, but is so strong to steak air and oceans to earth? that are the simplies evidence i have to expose, but i have many more, is very obvious for my sense that the earth is very quit and don't move at all.. so..cfbd92dc3856f09671249ebc77faa6ba--flat-earth-common-sense.jpg5b5442d4342099060d2c1a6a68857eb3--flat-earth-conspiracy-theories.jpg6f3cd5cb7a3a26c7dbd6a364b6b41dcf--flat-earth-proof-globe-earth.jpg85260310.jpgbluegargoyle-flat-earth-controversy.jpgcurving-water.jpgfe-sunlight-rays.jpg
SO you think i am mental disabled? that only show you are very disrespectful with people you even know, your insults are only proof of your superiority sense of reality, you maybe think are smarter than any flat earther, that is very shame, there are many engineers and scientific people that are whiten books and researching thing and saying the earth is not a globe, you only believe in your indoctrinated culture and you lean in the most accepted official thinking and that make you think you can insult people??
Heliocentric model is very coordinated master plan to keep people far away the reality, this theory, taught like the ultimate truth, that is only saying you that your sense are wrong all the time, you see flat horizon but is not, you feel no movement in earth but is moving, all the common sense is destroyed in your mind from childhood to put you in this fantasy, with no god, with no propose in life, all accidental, all magical inexplicable caos force is that create all the bast infinite planets, you are not especial in anyway and all this things that came whit this misconception of the reality, this is the same that evolutionist is doing, presenting you human life like some sort of accidental miracle of the infinite possibilities in non-sense caos of mutating animals??, very convenient for this powerpeople who have the total control of media and educational systems...
think for your self, i say it because it looks like @titusfrost is only repeating the official speak and not researching and taken the time to think things again, this is all about think for yourself and try to go beyond all that we receive from very early age from a very little group of power people that control all the educational system, and movies, and books, they have resource to do that, and you trust in them

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