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RE: The Flat Earth Resurgence and Easy Disproofs Using Observable Reality

in #flatearth7 years ago (edited)

"I don't have time to explain my fantasy to you!" is the typical cry of flat earthers who have no evidence to support their silly claims. I've done more research on your model than the vast majority of flat earthers. Which is why I know it's impossible and you don't seem to!

What you've done is simply make more claims you can't back up. I've asked for the flat earth model that accounts for all of these things and all I get, ever, is crickets or a nonsensical model that has so many impossibilities, the only way an adult could actually believe such a model is reality is because of brainwashing and wishful thinking.

You can get back to me when you ... you know.. actually HAVE a model that DOES explain those all in one place accurately. Until then, it sounds more like you are a child telling me why Santa REALLY does exist or playing a game of Dungeons and Dragons than an adult discussing a scientific topic.

evidence proof magic space pizza 2.jpg


Ive researched both sides of the argument. The spinning ball requires you to believe in magic with no proof whatsoever. Gravity is magic, there is no experiments that show that matter is attracted to each other by virtue of mass alone, so the theory of gravity is magic. Yes we know there is a downward force, but we just dont know what it is, could be an electromagnetic force. No one has independently detected curvature, I have seen islands myself that should not have been seen because of curvature. If there is no curvature there is no ball. Not only is there less curvature than can be detected, there is absolutely zero curvature detected. Thousands of people have seen chicago across lake michigan from 50+ miles away, thats over 2000 ft of supposed drop due to supposed curvature. This is just one of thousands of flat earth experiments that prove we are not on a spinning ball. Even mainstream science proves there is no ball, check out Airy' failaure, the sagnac experiment, the bedford level experiment and gyro experiments. All this proofs we are not on a spinning ball. The only evidence of spinning balls comes from Nasa which independent people will never be able to verify. Wake up people, snap out of the brainwashing, these people who run the world dont care about you, not at all, absolutely zero. They lie to us to gain power over us, so we give them all our money, work all our lives, and keep us metaphysically and mentally imprisoned. And yes I dont have a modal with all the answers, but i know im not on a spinning ball, I am working to find the truth. I dont depend on government or fake space agencies to spoon feed me truth. Sorry but you clearly haven't done any flat earth research, except for believing in the words of men. I need better proof than that. Sorry, I know it hurts to realize that everything you have been taught about the reality we live in is a lie. It hurts

"The only evidence of spinning balls comes from Nasa "

Except for the thousands of observations anyone can do that have been done for over 2000 years now. You don't get outside very much. That you think we've only known the earth is a sphere since the Kennedy administration is hilarious... sad that you didn't even bother to try to explain the eclipse the other night... but hilarious too that you honestly believe we've only known the earth is a sphere since NASA was begun. Wow.

shape of the earth nasa data laughing.gif

YES YES again you just blindly believe the words of men. You truly are a loyal believer in The church of scientism.

I suppose you were around 2000 years ago to witness all those observations.

My research shows that no cultures even considered the ball until 500 years ago when the masons, a secret society, started pushing it. Pythagoras, the earliest known mason, tried pushing it 2000 years ago but people never bought it. Your gullable for believing the words from secret societies that do not have your best interests at heart.

Before NASA came along, the flat earth debate was alive and strong. But NASA fooled the people with their shanagans and most people fell prey to the propaganda. But in 2015 people started waking up again and now millions and millions of people are waking up to the flat earth truth. Everyday thousands of more people are starting to question authority and think for themselves. Unfortunately there will always be suckers out there who will believe anything they hear from authority. So sad.

Strawman argument. EVERYtHING that I provide that proves the globe I have confirmed through simple observations myself. And no, the issue of the round earth has been settled since the 4th century. That you SAY the debate was still alive just means you are parroting nonsense and have zero idea of the history of how we absolutely know with 100% certainty the earth is a globe without the need for a single photo from NASA.

Go join an astronomy club. Get outside. You literally just sound absolutely ridiculous. Looking up at the sky is all you need to PROVE IT with 100% certainty for yourself.

How do I KNOW there is no conspiracy? You can buy any power telescope your wallet will allow. The earth is a sphere. If you were to bother to get outside, you'd know this for a fact. The proof is literally everywhere you look.

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