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RE: The Flat Earth Resurgence and Easy Disproofs Using Observable Reality

in #flatearth7 years ago (edited)

Your only arguments are cult tactics and parroting things over and over even when they've been disproven. That I wrote an entire Steemit article on Tesla, disproved the quote you are using is his, proved he was a heliocentrist, and even discussed USING GRAVITY to do WORK, yet you STILL claim he's a flat earther! This is proof of your complete irrationality and inability to use logic, reason, admit you are wrong, or fact check.... and are only able to confirm your bias.

You can't even admit you are wrong about Tesla, you'll never admit you are wrong about the earth, and now you are changing the topic to NASA, something I never brought up and never use as evidence. Don't need to. The earth is a sphere and it's easy to prove through simple observations... like planes landing.

You can't even admit you are wrong about Tesla, this proves you are completely irrational. There is no point having a conversation with you about anything scientific when you have proven that you are only able to confirm bias and not able to discuss facts like an adult.

The earth is a globe, and Tesla is a heliocentrist. I'm sorry that destroys your fantasy, but that is how reality is.


Your only argument is hearsay from cults and secret societies

Tesla didnt believe in gravity and any of that nonsense. He laughed his ass off to the theory of gravity and he knew there was no spinning ball

I didn't show you any hearsay... but you keep repeating that like a mantra. It's a cult talking point and a strawman argument, not an intelligent argument against anything that I actually said.

See what I mean about Tesla, you are so irrational that you can't even be bothered to do any research on him to see that he was, most definitely, a heliocentrist.

You literally have to deny his own drawings and his own writings to believe he was a flat earther! YOu HAVE to be trolling, because no one can see Tesla's own drawings and his own writings talking about communicating with other solar systems and believe he was a flat earther!

I'm sorry, but you are obviously unable to deal with reality and seem to only be able to confirm your bias.

Curvature exists and Tesla was a heliocentrist. Get over it. That is reality.

You havnt done any observations your self, your whole argument depends on the words of others. I have disproved the ball with my own eyes. You set your self up for deception when you believe the words of men. Thats hearsay. I dont think you will ever understand until you get out there and DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH

LOL. Of course I have done my own observations. HUNDREDS of them! You can observe dozens of things that prove the globe every single DAY!! That you ignore everything that disproves the flat earth does not mean you've disproven the ball! It means you ONLY are willing to look at that which confirms your bias!

In fact, I've written about many of them on my blog and will be writing about more soon! I've shown you probably a dozen of them that you absolutely refuse to address, like horizon drop and the plane landing behind the curve.

It's easy for anyone to KNOW we live on a globe with 100% certainty! 95% of all observations EVER made to show that we live on a globe are simple observations anyone can do themselves. No NASA or government needed at all!

That you are unaware of these observations, or ignore them, or explain them away when they are inconvenient to your belief system is why you are a flat earther! You choose to remain ignorant, and somehow BELIEVE that we only know the earth is a globe because of NASA!!! Which is utterly and completely preposterous. Truly a show of your utter and complete ignorance of the topic.

shape of the earth nasa data laughing.gif

LMAO @kerriknox , so you disregard all the buildings and obstructions of that area , and claiming that is going over a curve LMAO , indoctrination is deep in you ma'am

LOL. YOU said that there are buildings there. I completely agree. Yet all that is seen is a plane disappearing beneath a smooth horizon. No buildings. No trees. No jagged horizon. No lights from the airport or the buildings in front of the airport. Where are these buildings you say are NOT behind the curve? Go ahead and point them out to me on the video with a screenshot.

You guys always say, "Where's the curvature?" then you pull out the curvature calculator. And when we show you things behind the curvature, exactly as the curvature calculator predicts, you STILL say there is no curvature!!!

Denial or reality does not change reality. The fact is that the airplane disappearing behind the horizon matches exactly what we'd expect on a globe, and does not match what we'd expect on a flat earth.

The airport and the buildings and trees are BELOW the horizon of a lake that is at 12 foot of elevation. The earth is a sphere, and anyone can see that easily themselves with thousands of simple observations.

your delusional , i show the inconsistency of your own indoctrination , thats why i can ask u where is the curve with your own curve calculator , you cant seem to grasp an idea that would destoy your petty dreams , with all this dumb science u globe tard utilitze , the best thing you all could do is put a car in low orbit LMAO , you can argue non sensical ideas all you like. put your own maths to the test instead of regurgatating , your knowledge only good enough for your first 9/5

I already showed you the curve.. several times. Like the plane that you hate so much. The math is right in the article you obviously ignored because it doesn't confirm your bias. In fact, I have the curvature math in at least 3 articles on my blog.

That you deny it or ignore it is not 'inconsistency' on my part , but simple inability to see reality on your part.

I guess the plane is just landing at that underwater base beneath Lake Ponchartrain the government keeps to hide the shape of the earth from you and just make it LOOK like the plane is landing beneath the horizon!

I'm still waiting for your comprehensive predictive model. But... you don't have one and you never will. Because the earth is not flat and all you can do is play make believe.

If the earth were flat, you'd simply be overwhelming me with your evidence and your predictive model, but instead all you can do is deny and cry fake.

That's because the earth is not flat and you have nothing. It's a sphere. Get over it.

Or, you could just PROVE it's flat instead of continuing to use the cult tactic of ridiculously declaring victory without having proven anything.

Oh, never mind, you can't prove it. All you can do is to use cult tactics and play make believe! That might lure some of the gullible into your cult... but not anyone intelligent.

Good luck with recruiting for your cult.

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