Challenger Hoax Fact Check Twins? Ron & Carl?

in #flatearth6 years ago (edited)

02:00 Cheryl McNair
02:33 Ronald McNair Speaks
03:52 Karate Expert
04:53 child hood friend never mentions Carl In the Same Grade?
05:40 No mention of twins
06:07 Graduation Speech at Some College speaks alot like
"brother " Carl @ 06:44
07:55 The Twin Narrative one version of the story
08:25 it is said aka Hearsay
08:37 photo of Ron and Carlas kids allegedly
10:22 wikipedia says 2 brothers Carl S and Eric
13:29 Ronald McNair Speaks footage from the challenger resource tape by NASA
14:58 Ron Mcnair Plays Saxophone
15:27 Karate expert LOL nice moves bro
16:39 Carl McNAir speaking sounding like ron with that preacher cadence here and there
"brother " Carl @ 06:44

I've looked but i can't find any proof that Carl Mcnair ever said they were twins. But i Think Carl Mcnair is Ron just from photos and the way they both speak. But the twin evidence appears to be bullshit. Its kind of a strawman red herring type argument. I'm not trying to push bullshit. I really think that he is Carl and he knew something was going to happen. Because he helped write a song that was suppose to be played live at a concert that night. Ok the name of the song is last rendez vouz . Its a play on words rend like ron and last rendez vouz that means last meetup why last meet up and why the super sad saxophone song. I believe this is Duping Delight to add to the many accomplishments and Myth of the man who has 100's of Schools and Parks named after him and scholarships. Look at his story 5th degree black belt jazz saxophonist and some more shit and he was a preacher or minister or deacon we can hear this in both Carls speeches and Ronalds speeches.

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