Flat Earth + SpaceX / Epstien Island - Qanon = Mars / nuclear rocket

in #flatearth6 years ago

Tons of things going on.
Flat Earthers freaking out over the Tesla In space

Qanon is still at it strong and talking about Uranium one again.

People are talking about NERVA Rockets and people heading to mars

That Plane that Blew up had a Rosatom corp guy and other dude connected of Clinton and Uranium one were killed.

Epstein Island was updated on Google earth and seems to have some updated features. I guess someone is managing the island while he's in Jail for his crimes.

It's a massive look at all the things that have cropped up over the last couple of day's while I have been getting myself acquainted with my new place in Dallas Texas. Right now it seems to be a great opportunity to re-invent myself and start doing things better for myself and my situation. It's nice to get a break from having to worry about things in the short term and be in a place I can relax and focus on building something impressive. I know there is a lot of people rooting for me and I will not let you guys down. People are starting to see the value and skills I hide in a wrapper of comedy. I really am very easy going for most of my life and I think many people mistake my looks and simple actions for a man that isn't aware. I carefully keep myself looking the way I do to protect myself from having to grow. I see now that emergance is coming and that I should be thinking of how to show myself in the right like. I think the time for doing things funny just because I can and making my personal situations much harder than they have to be as a test needs to come to a close. I think I have proven myself more than enough to say that I have been working my ass off with nothing and once again I have built something I need to use correctly. We will grow together and I am happy to show you how I'm going to do it.

this is going to be fun!

s and people heading to mars


You are a shill for SpaceX. I can look at you and say earth is not what we have been shown. Shit like this is why I unsubscribed from your youtube channel. Rockets are real, orbiting cars are not. Believe what you want, but don't confuse it with science.

The MCCain photo is from 2013 when he met with the “rebels” of the FSA.
Pentagon public senate hearing confirmed that all rebels trained by the US, joined Al Nusra or Isis once in Syria.

Hey bro, I'm watching this incrementally because it's a lot of information to digest. I'm about halfway through at the moment. All of these nuclear tests they referenced the US conducting, were these tests recently declassified? I'm a resident of New York, and a Marine vet, and aside from the influenza testing they admittedly performed on us, I just never heard much talk about anything nuclear. I always found that very strange, that nuclear threat (the elephant in the room) just didn't get brought up very often. Hmm strange... Why the openness of their prior deceit? Seems like a real blow to the American citizens trust for the government.

As far as the (in your face) money laundering, that really is no shocker. The blatant corruption within their ranks isn't a secret anymore, and they make a game out of the blatant lies we're fed.

I'll finish this video up, and add thoughts if I have anymore. I can't wait to see how much more NOS you drink. I get the same way with the "seeeeee I tooooooold you...." kicks lol. BTW, I finally figured out steemauto and you are one of the two people I've added for 100 percent upvote. Hopefully my steem power becomes substantial enough to help you out. It's the least I can do, your upvotes have really helped me dude,and your content aligns with my interests. Ttyl bro, peace.

Hi, I found some acronyms/abbreviations in this post. This is how they expand:

NERVANuclear Engine for Rocket Vehicle Application (proposed engine design)

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