Chasing Shadows... doesn't prove anything about the shape of the Earth.

@cryptogee made a post Chasing Shadows Proving A Round Earth where he does everything but come right out and say flat-earthers are stupid. And then you finally get to the end of the diatribe about how stupid / silly humans can be to see his proof.

Unfortunately, his proof doesn't prove anything.
It is the same result for the flat earth as for the ball earth.

Fact: NASA are known lying liars that lie.

  • NASA has been caught reusing photos as new.
  • NASA has been caught changing photos.
  • NASA has been caught with things in the photos that shouldn't be there.
  • Why is the crew of the Columbia still alive? Oh yes, they all had twins that all go around performing in the same group.
  • And, not once yet, that I know of, has NASA given a live feed of anything to all the scientists out there. With today's electronics, images sent back from space should be an internet feed in real time. Especially since we are paying for it.
  • NASA was started by a dark occultist. (To occult means to hide)
  • (the list goes on and on and on)

So, as @cryptogee stated, we have to figure out the shape of earth without NASA's help. But we can't do it by using shadows. Here's why

We don't know how far the sun is away from the earth.
We have computed its distance based on assumptions:

  • the earth being a ball of a certain size
  • the sun is a certain size (in comparison to the earth)
  • that light travels in a straight line
  • space is linear between here and the sun.

If we change any of those assumptions, then everything changes.
This is why the distance to the sun has changed over the last century. Because these assumptions have changed.



As you can see from these two drawings that the same shadow lengths are cast. So, we have to conclude from only this information that we don't know the shape of the earth.

- - - - - - -

All images in this post are my own original creations.


You want proof that Earth is round?...just look at clouds when it's sunrise or sunset. There is always sun light in bottom of the clouds. In FE model that coudn't be possible because sun is always above clouds.

I do not believe in the flat earth or the ball earth models.
And the flat earth model has a much better explanation for that phenomena.

When we start actually learning the shape of the world we live within, it will blow our minds.
Like if you ever saw a real life hyper-cube; mind blowing.

Sorry, but there is no logical explanation for that in FE model.

I agree. And there is no logical explanation of the ball earth model either.

It is explained for globe model.

How about fly in an airplane. Sure looks round from up Or stay on the airplane (except refueling) and keep flying until you either end up where you started or not.

Lol, I suggested you do it with a basketball to see the difference in shadow, plus I didn't call you all idiots, because I don't think that.

There are plenty of intelligent people on this ball we call earth who have deluded themselves with all sorts of things. Who am I to call them idiots? I would rather use reason and logic to prove my point.


You did everything but call them idiots.
You don't spend 3/4 s of your post talking about human stupidity, when your intentions were just to call attention to a proof.

So many of the things that are used on both sides as proofs, by the flat earthers and the ball earthers, work fine under both systems. Like this shadow thing.

And I speak from fact, that astronomers have used triangulation and determined that the sun is 3000 miles away. It is an anomaly that really needs further looking into. Because it shouldn't be so across the ball earth. But, I do not know anyone who is actually performing those exact measurements... because they all assume we live on a ball earth.

Lastly, I do not believe in the ball earth or the flat earth.

Yes, I read it. It sounds hoaky.
There are certain parts that don't align with reality.
Such as he only talks about the first domino, and none of the other dominos that fall because of the first one.

Like I said, I am not a ball earther or a flat earther, and until people start talking about the shapes I am working with, then I do not feel we are close to any kind of reveal.

Lolz, it sounds hoaky because it's a JOKE. Of course the Wright Brothers weren't in on the conspiracy, and of course you can't see the ice wall from New Zealand. Because there is no conspiracy and the ice wall doesn't exist.

The point is, you would need billions of people and zillions of dollars to keep this kind of thing a secret. Not to mention alien technology.

Seriously dude, you can prove these things for yourself with a pair of binoculars and a plane ticket. Go to Kenya and see if you can see all the way across the ocean, because the earth is supposedly flat, and see if you can spot the ice wall.

Or perhaps do a parachute jump for charity and see if you can see the spotlight effect, you won't, if you do, and you take a pic of any of these things, I'll give you a million dollars.


Light planes and parachutes don't go anywhere near high enough.

Binoculars do not see anywhere near far enough. Even telescopes have a hard time looking sideways. I wish it was that simple

Antarctica has been under the weirdest treaty ever signed by every country of note. Too much activity down there and very little information. So, there can only be speculation.

And you want to talk about lots of people and lots of money, watch Catherine Austin Fitts. She used to be head of housing in 1st Bush's cabinet. She gives a lot of information about missing billions. USA Watchdog dot com has good Catherine interviews.

Lolz, with a good pair of binoculars you can see details on the moon, so even in the FE model of the moon being 3000 miles away, that's far enough :-)


@builderofcastles It is good to question everything including shape of earth, but to believe in something without any proof is bs. FE didn't produce any picture of wall or anything else, but they still have belief earth is flat. Just think of it...there is wall surrounding us, but no one has one picture of it LOL. No FE didn't answer me on how we can see sun light on bottom of clouds...of course because they can't. I could talk more about FE bs, but I give up arguing about it long time ago.

No lolz. It is something that really should be scientifically explored.

We can see the moon in great detail with a telescope.
We can't see that mountain range very well when its only 50 miles away.

We can send signals to satellites way up in orbit.
But if we send microwaves across the earth its only a few dozen miles.

They assume its because of air diffusing light. I feel there is something much deeper going on. And it probably has to do with magnetics.

And I speak from fact, that astronomers have used triangulation and determined that the sun is 3000 miles away.

Pray tell which ones?


Sorry, I am bad with names. (extremely)
They aren't too hard to look up.
Its where the 3000 mile number comes from.
I have found it a waste of time to do it for others, you won't believe the end results unless you go on the journey yourself.

Lol, I guarantee you no astronomer that has access to proper equipment and a basic understanding of mathematics and the way the universe works, thinks the sun is 3000 miles away.

The number 3000 comes from the FE society, because that is the distance the sun would have to be at for there to be night time anywhere on earth at any time.

That's the point you have to tinker with physics for this thing to work, a star that size would not burn as long, nuclear fusion wouldn't work, etc, etc, etc.


We have no evidence that nuclear fusion powers the sun. It is based on a model that is unprovable. We can't see it happening.

You are using a theory as part of a proof to explain another theory.
Yes, it all sounds good when they are all put together. But, if one domino falls, they all fall.

The number of 3000 miles away is a very old number. It shows up in ancient texts. It is also very easy to compute. It is simple triangulation. But it also assumes that up is the same direction for both viewing points. It also assumes light travels in a straight line.

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