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On a globe earth this is impossible and calling it a 'Superior mirage' is simply not true!
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On a globe earth this is impossible and calling it a 'Superior mirage' is simply not true!
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Nic3..I miss Chi-T0WN!!
If it was actually flat over the sea over a distance of 90 miles you could still not see what there is a few meters above the sea on that distance.If you need explaination for that,just ask but i think you know? We can see at least 75 procent of the buidlings from 90 miles away and that is impossible on a globe earth :-) Or the earth must be much much bigger than we're told.
Flat-Earther in the middle of the Sahara: "this can't be a desert, look at all that water just over there! And calling it a 'Mirage' is simply not true!"
what is your point ? those buidlings you see on the picture are a mirage? You can compare it with the mirages you see in a dessert ? seeing water in a dessert is a 'superior' mirage ? i hope that's not your claim. if it is, we're done here..
I was using mirages in the desert as a metaphor, to illustrate how ridiculous it is to just say "and calling it a 'superior mirage' is simply not true" as if calling something 'simply not true' proves anything. Also I was suggesting that a crazy person who insists all the mirages he sees in the middle of the desert must be real water so he can't be in a desert at all is an accurate metaphor for flat-Earthers.
This is not a superior mirage because it doesn't look like one.A little research in mirages and you would know that
I think I'll go with "a mirage looked less mirage-like than usual this one time" (or "someone didn't think their snaps of the mirage were good enough and photoshopped it instead") over "Oh-Em-Gee this proves the Earth is flat!"
Please search a picture of a 'superior' mirage because the claim is that it is a 'SUPERIOR' mirage, and talk to me again. i think i'll go with globe but less globe-like than usual ;-) Or no, peer-like,right? .That's what they say about the shape of the earth now, after we got some photos of a perfect ball earth for decades..:-p
I did say "or it was photoshopped".
And re: "pear-shaped", that refers to small deviations that you can't see with the naked eye. The Earth's been known to not be perfectly spherical since the 18th century, it bulges at the equator because of the Earth's rotation, but that's hard to spot as well (and so I doubt they use a reference ellipsoid rather than a sphere for the composites)
No it was not photoshopped.It has been on television in a weatherforecast where they gave a false explaination of a 'superior' mirage.How did they now that in the 18 century?I hope its not math..I love math and it can be used in many science branches.However,with math you can proof everything ,even the impossible..