
The earth is a sphere, we have been in space, we have been to the moon, we have sent probes to far away planets also spheres. We can observe our own planets shape through the aide of the satellites which orbit it. There is no scientific basis for flat earth theories. There is no logical basis for flat earth theories.

I am not discouraging anyone from belief in what ever they wish. Much like topics of religion or politics, it is not my place to tell someone what to believe or not to believe. Flat earth theories are grounded in faith, as there is no scientific evidence to support them. Believe what you wish my friend! Have a great day too.

Great comment.
I would recommend you letting it go and not replying to athleteyoga comments. There is no sense in having a debate about science and evidence with someone who doesn't value them or values personal beliefs more than science and evidence.

In my view, debates between two people of opposing views allow for others who view those conversations to come to more informed opinions. So while there may not be a point for either person in the debate if the other is set in their ways, the outside observer still has something to potentially gain from the discourse.

What proof do you have for any of this from your own observations and not from what you have been told to believe and been shown by the mainstream media, which is owned by 6 corporations and controls 90%+ of the media? All I know is anytime I am at the beach, on a boat in the ocean or flying around the world, the horizon always looks flat to me ...

Live streams from cameras attached to the international space station. The curvature observed by a weather balloon is consistent with what one would expect for a sphere of the earth's size. It is very mild and difficult to tell by looking at images by eye. One must get just a bit higher up then they go before things become more obvious.

The company I work for has had payload on rockets going to the ISS, so maybe I've had access to camera feeds others don't typically see. Regardless, the earth is a sphere based upon all available quantitative and qualitative scientific data.

As I have said all along, I mean no disrespect, and do not seek to change anyone's mind. I will say the perspective you have from the ground is insufficient to observe the curvature, and that statement is provable by math. Believe what you would like. Have a great one.

@justtryme90 Not sure why it will not let me reply directly to your post, but the main question that always get me is why they have never show a full 180 degree, or even better 360 degree pan of the earth from space. I can not think of any reason why they would not have done that yet other than that it is all an elaborate CGI Hollywood set ... ??? Have a great one as well :-)

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