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RE: Earth Curvature .. where is it?

in #flat6 years ago

Can you wrap your mind around the fact that the oceans conform to the curve of the earth?

can you prove it? no

Here is a fun little activity you can use to determine the earth is a sphere (no edited photos needed!):

game physics respond the same way on a flat plane. your proof is just ridiculous.


So the sun sets on a flat earth? How exactly does that work?

According to the most common flat earth model, the sun should never dip below 19 degrees above the horizon. Well, if you use geometry and maths..and stuff. :-D

same way. earth is a big place... it is a perspective thing. ever seen how a long hallway appears to get smaller?

i suppose you think bridges are getting smaller... lol

So, you are telling me a bridge appearing to look smaller as it gets farther away is perspective?

Hmm, I wonder why the sun doesn't get smaller as it gets farther away? According to maths and geometry...and stuff :-D the sun should be about 2.5 times bigger at noon than it is at sunset on a flat earth, but we know the sun doesn't change size. Hmmm, maybe perspective only works sometimes?

Or perhaps, just perhaps...if we think logically, (I know, its very hard), maybe this means the sun isn't changing its distance from us.

have you ever seen a sunrise/sunset? the sun is fucking huge.. why?

oh that's right, our brain makes assumptions about it being so close to the horizon it makes it appear bigger.

This is why we use mechanical devices that can measure things precisely, like I don't know...a camera? Take pictures of the sun throughout the day (please use a solar filter to cut glare and save your camera), and measure the size of the sun in those pictures. Don't forget to keep the zoom level the same for all the pictures.

harp on this all you like. you still can't explain where the curve is.

i accept the fact there are things yet to be understood.

but pretty easy to see there is no curve.

Yea, me with all my facts...and stuff!


HEY! Is that Antarctica?

mmm. look at that beautiful painting. and look at all the stars.

let us have a view like that, with a live feed, and panning around.

still wouldn't explain the Suez Canal... or every other thing you can see that should be below the horizon.

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