
Ok, but then the question I would ask is, is the earth finite or not because if it's flat we have to come to an edge if it isn't infinite. Just asking, I would really like an explanation.

Whether we know if it's finite or infinite is irrelevant to the fact that the earth is flat. The assumption that the world must have an edge does not logically follow the premise that it is flat. The example of the sniper illustrates how an object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. This is true when it comes to snipers' bullets; however, it is blatantly disregarded when it comes to airplanes. The truth is: objects in motion will stay in motion with the same speed and direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force, and in this case mainstream scientists argue that there is no unbalanced force to deter the path of the bullet in question, since they claim that snipers indeed have to adjust their sights in accordance with the earth's rotation. The atmosphere surrounds the entire earth, according also to mainstream scientists, yet these same scientists claim that airplanes aren't affected in the same manner as snipers' bullets, no, rather there is an unbalanced force that deters the path of an airplane, and that force is called the atmosphere. Whether you want to use the word atmosphere or gravity is irrelevant to the fact that the force is selective in its effect on earthly objects. In conclusion, one of the claims is false and therefore should not both be accepted as proofs of a globular earth; you must choose one. Which one you choose to be true determines which "theory" you stand by. So, do bullets and planes travel independent to the earth's rotation, or are they acted upon by gravity to the extent that they travel in perfect synchronicity with the earth's rotation? One more thing, if one can prove something then it must be true; therefore, if one can prove that the earth is not a globe, then it is true that the earth is in fact not a globe. It seems obvious, right?


Most of the flat earth theorists derive tehir conlusions from certain bible verses, but just think something through if the eart is flat the sun moves across the sky using the same route very day, if this is so we shouldn't even have seasons, but you can probably come up with some sort of explanation for that, but the problem is, that when in the north it's winter in the south it's summer, how do you explain that, it should be the same on both sides as the sun, according to the flat earth theory doesn't change it's path.

The sun moves eliptically. I'm not a mommabyrd. If you want to know the truth: RESEARCH IT; if you want to stay ignorant: DON'T. It has nothing to do with religious belief. Chances are if you've gone this deep into exposing the deceptive antics of the powers that should not be, that you've also seen through the scam that is religion.


Oh, I have researched a lot and I can assure you I put a lot of thought, I don't believe anything I am told implicitly, as for your answer it still doesn't answer the question of the difference in seasons between the northern and southern hemisphere, if it is eliptic it would still be at the same angle on both ends so they should have the same type of weather always. The thing is when you start believing in something and say people either believe in you or they are ignorant doesn't help your cause at all, and neither does it make it true.

You obviously haven't researched it because it's easy to understand. The sun moves away from the north pole after the summer solstice in an ellipse and then towards the north pole starting after the winter solstice. I'm not insulting anyone's intelligence, I am only criticizing people's lack of persistence and determination when seeking answers. Don't come back unless you've tried answering all your questions without quitting after your first couple of queries.

I saw a map of how the sun is supposed to move across the sky on a flat earth society site, it has the north pole exactly at the center of the disk and Antartica as a mass of ice completely encircling the disc, and the sun hovering in a circle above this disk, and supposedly this is the accepted movement of the sun according to flat earthers, the difference between the seasons in the northern and southern hemispheres is not explained. I personally believe this is a hoax but I do not completely discard it, there is always the possibility that myself and many others are wrong, the only certain thing is that if the flat earth theory is right, then the hollow earth theory is definitely wrong.

Check this out. I appreciate this, "...but I do not completely discard it." The truth is, the flat earth society is BS, it is in fact controlled opposition. Good sources of information are YouTubers such as

The Morgile, Jeranism, Rob Skiba, Infinite Plane Society, Eric Dubay, GLOBEBUSTERS, You Been Exposed, TheNASAchannel, NathanOakley1980, ODD Reality, Subtle Infinity, VEGAN Warrior, just to name a few.