Scottish Flat Earther Destroys Joe Rogan

in #flat7 years ago

Scottish Flat Earther Destroys Joe Rogan:

For the past two years, comedian Joe Rogan has made repeated constant attacks against specific flat Earthers and the whole flat Earth subject itself yet refuses to engage in dialogue with any knowledgeable members of the community. The following video destroys Joe Rogan's illogical arguments, strawman fallacies, and general idiocy with regards to true natural science and his unsubstantiated belief that we are living on a tilting, wobbling, spinning blue testicle. To see more videos of flat-Earther's destroying Joe Rogan's illogical fallacies see:

Joe Rogan vs. Eric Dubay:

Flat Earth Metabunk Debunked:

Eddie Bravo Questions Everything:

Please also subscribe to Del from Scotland's excellent channel Beyond the Imaginary Curve:

And to learn more about our flat, motionless Earth, please visit:


The Flat Earth Science... without doing what they say... going across antartica... splitting it in two... and not finding the giant wall at the edge of the Earth... thats the only way to disprove alot of their claims.

fuck they are here :( flat earth society please help :(

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