Thank God the earth is Fiat... i mean ! cryptocurrency for Dummies.

in #flat7 years ago

Hello all this is Charlie or Adam Christpoher Chaplin to keep my mother happy.Saying hi on here is like pogoing through a mine field in the dark..but here goes..

Here i am at a cryptocurrency gathering in Vietnam .Plugging the blockchain and all it can do for the normal people.
WE will empower us in so many ways.I am 49 years of age...a chubby chap now... and live in Vietnam.
I was born in the Uk.... went to a private Naval Trainning Collage ... in North wales.. and joined the Royal Marines at an Early age.

As you can see from my chubby some, would say fat shape i have now been out of the service a long time now.i HAVE NOW been living in ASIA FOR 21 feel as if i realy understand it....

ASIA that is..and am not some blogger just going on my Hoildays here for sure.. i love Asia and in the cryptocurrency market is great to be here..i oftern give talks on cryptcurrency.. the pros and cons of this new and exciting time for all the small business people..



     to many people just make it sound so complicated that 90 percent of the poulation still has not in any way realy ran with it..and by god they what is about to happen in the real world ref FIAT currency..that is the money most of you use will shake our very core.... as at some point you will all come to understand todays money is not worth the paper it is writtern on and for many years has not been.. 

  Years ago as a boy i over heard a conversation on a train..there where these very posh ( which incedently stands for Port Out Starbard Home) as the sun was always facing you on the boat in your cabin and you paid more for that....hence the term posh..which means people with a lot of money ..any way i digres ..the conversation was about money..and the overlying tone was all to do with what is the value of money...

So cluthing my sandwich that mum had made i leant forward in my seat to make sure i could here the posh people talk about money..and its value as to me i was clear on what it was....

you get money you earn then you can buy things you would the more you have the more things stuff ..etc etc can buy RIGHT! What more was there to know?..

 But i have always been willing to listen to anything and keep an open mind ..much to the disress of the Millitary but we will get to that soon...BACK TO WHAT  i heard.. 

One of the realy posh boys .. took out a five pound note ..which at the time i would have to work all week washing plates for or delivering papers when home on leave.... then the posh boy took his cigarette could smoke on trains then..and the posh boy put the note on the table and as a show stopper ..burnt several holes in the note..this got my much money does he have i thought .

While he was doing this he keep saying that his farther who worked on the currency trading markets and traded all day in London had told him the paper was worth no more in most cases than the money it is printed on hence the term..this money is not worth the paper it is PRINTED on.... 

I could not listen to the boy after this i as thought clearly he was as mad as Donald Trump...and therefore i went to another seat and promptly went about my business.. but i never forgot what he crazy as it sounded the more i went though life the more i understud that what he said was totally true.

We live in a world where in the main money now is not worth the paper it is printed used to be many years ago when it was used as a note to promise..... you had real weath in the form of gold or silver ..but would did not carry that around as it was to heavy so sent each other... so we had notes to to promise to pay EACH other rarther then move around the heavy gold..or our hard assets..the the idea was at first a good one correct?

So money was a good idea in the start..not for most of us as we back in the what they call now the dark ages ..would barter with our goods..this may be something all of you reading this may be doing again sooner than you think..!


If and some say when the fiet sytem falls who knows.... you may be able to buy a royl royce with rice.. it is only a form of exchange we will set the price in the new world order that cryptocurrency can produce...

As good as cryptocurrency is what most of you are missing is that is part of the same system....againts the value of the USD .. so when not if the usd goes into crash mode will the value of cryptocurrency.. if you need 1000 usd to buy your weekly shopping you will need that in crypto to pay for it..unless the whole world switches to cryptocurrency over night ..but then how do you buy your crypto..if the usd has no further value...confused dot com.. sorry i was going to make this easy right....

We are at the goldern age of cryptocurrency....i take most people reading this have heard of the mighty BITCOIN.. what a briliant name .. bit coin .. ..YOU DO NOT NEED TO BUY A WHOLE ONE..and i am sure most of you know it was started back in 2008 during the FINANCIAL crash...WHICH HAS NOT BEEN FIXED THEY HAVE JUST PRITTED MORE MONEY.. THE people that started Bitcoin have now started an online currency revolution.. giving back the small people control of there assets without going throught the powerfull instutions likethe Banks.. who chage us for looking after our money?? If we move we are charged ..if we loan we are charged ..and go forbid we go over drawn we are charged..and all they do is print more and more of it.untill like a housew of cards it will come tumbling down..this is a fact it has happened befor and will happen again..

Who cares who started BITCOIN ... we just need to know it works..and our money is safe...not like the old system of fiet where they can just keep printing and printing more and more....the usd is now only worth 3 percent of what it was in1974....this is facted documented check it out...

i mean do you know how the cash in your pocket started and who contorls it..but if i said to you give me 1000 usd and i will give you back in a year 4000 usd in cryptocurrency then if you understood that could happpen you would hand over the 1000 without having to know more than that..TRUST IS THE BIGGEST STOPPER FOR MOST OF YOU...most of us..the norms out there.... you at least trust the USD ..i mean the goverment would never lie to you

.The point is bitcoin started it all.. now i am not... a geek or nerd .. Steve Jobs never wrote one line of code but did ok with Appel i am not going into the tech side of CRYPTOCURRENCY .. as we the norms do not care ..we just need to understand its value and why we need to know how to profit from it... I will if you folow me take you through the whole prossess of building making ..minning your very own cryptocurrency...all you need to do if watch for the posts..and who knows there may be a steve Jobs type person reading this...i hope to make you all think you can be part of this and not watch from the sidelines..

My point is this..for cryptocurrency to really take of the masses have to adopt it..and fast..and the norms will only do this if we have an idea how it works...and this can be as basic as your understasnding of money now..i get it i buy stuff with it .. but that little voice in our heads goes ..well yes i get it but it is not cash right...... it is not real money..All i can say at this point is thank the lord or or budda it is not it will never be over printed..

What is real money.. why is that safe and ant any way safe and it sure ant fair..that is a fact..remember that cash in your hand will not be worth the paper it is printed on very soon..they just print it .. and print it ..and print very soon .. there is going to be a massive ready and you can make millions out of it ..yes millions.. or you can turn of roll over and take it... from goverments again it wil be us that pays the price for the biggest fraud in history...

We need need to spend it not just invest in it to change the world..we the norms the nobody people..from all over the world have one chance to get this going.. we have the momentume.. we need to action our thoughts..
Cryptocurrency is our chance to take back the control from the shit hand we have been dealt.. so how does it work..and more importantly how can we make it work for us.

LETS KISS THIS ...KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID..i am not saying you are stupid..i am saying i got sick of listening to tech heads explain it and ..i got really upset when i did not understand there special language they us when they talk about nodes ans eyes would glazer over..

look ...When i want to buy a car ..i just need to know it works.. right..i do not need to know about the trype compiset rubber..OR the pesure of the injectors.. i like how it looks and it might even get me

Most People i know usally know they like the colour of the car as well as good laule for money... and will to run in there is only the petrol heads that want the details..and that is fine but most of us..yes the norms ..we want it to work..all the function and looks are the most important right...

Same with cryptoccurrency..or crypto coins ..or digital all are using the banks digital money have been for do not be scared are already using it and being chargred far to much for it ....why not use crypto money and make out of it.. so simple ..stop being sold a lie by the big banks and goverments..

As i write this i have just heard there will be 62 new hegfunds coming in to cryptocurrency in the next 3 months..thes guys and girls are not puttting billions as they know they will loose .. they are doing it is a is a game changer....

  Years ago when sales people used to go into businesses to sell softwear..they had to have a geek that knew the programe and a expalin it in such a way the company could understand it...this is the link missing with cryptocurrency..most people think they have to understand it all before they buy into it..

.and the geeks just cant talk in a language we understand it is like listening to a doctor talk in confuse the patient and ever charge more.they make there own lang to confuse and to charge more......look at your iphone or your samsung you just need to know it works and in many cases looks good you have any idea how color tv works.. but it is great to watch right..but if you would have waited to know how it really worked before you watched it you would still be stuck with your

Lets take nokia phones of old.. when they where kings of there business...when you purchased a phone did you really ask how it worked..the data send storage ..type of chip..who made the chips..where where thet made..etc you did not.. as if you had to understand all the tech on that phone befoe you purchased it still would not have youe phone i think most of us are coming at this from the wrong angel...let me explain why...

Having listened to all the people go on about how cryptocurrency works.... the penny dropped.... NO PUN INTENED is not how it works but the business idea behind it..they call it cryptocurrency.. but is a business idea..some of them are good and some are not..but we all know the person that said lets slice the bread first got paid nothing ..but what a great idea... well cryptocurrency is such a great on your transfers.. save on loosing interset on your money..and if you like you do not have to tell the banks what you have and where....same as a cash deal..and that is a game changer as far as currency goes.. but cryptocurrency is so much more than just that...

..take the power of the central us cheap service and for the next few months at least we can make more money than we ever dreamed of..just by doing 3 things..
step 1 is to read this..i know i go on but i am trying to put this in a way you are not scared of understanding everything cypto..

Now take the king at the momment Bitcoin..  i am sure was started as almost a game to play for the tech heads is fast becoming the most valuble cryptocurrency..and the best investment return on the planet..thIs is a do not have to understand cryptocurrenxy to profit form this fact..

buy it and secure your weath ..make was 650 usd this time last year it is going to hit 4,000 usd soon so not a bad return and it is just going to go up in has a lot more intrinsick value than the paper in your pocker..FACT..

Some geeks if you will say.... one bitcoin could be woth 500,000 usd in the near future... and you know what if will be if we say so..we have a chance to make it worth what we want and turn the tables on the system that has been shiting on us all these years.. ...OUT TO to crush your works like a parachute it works a lot better when open..right!

Goverments and corparations do not like what we are doing but they can not stop it now come on board for the ride of your lives..this is a game changer the little norms can have a slice of the pie..and this time unlike the pensions or over inflated loans and property market we the people own it and that can not be taken away from us..

As cryptocurrency is set up in such a way that it can not be controled buy the greedy banks and goverments.. yes they will try but they are already failing and the forward thinking goverments especially in ASIA..are trying to get in on the action from a tech side..ASAIN currency has always been to many asians it make perfect sence to buy crypto as thety know there currency has no values right.

If you need to understand how it works..on the tech side before you buy you will losse... in my mind there are just 3 things you need to understand the first one is this.. a MUST WATCH TAKE...

30 mins of your tv time go to youtube.... and search this TED LECTURE ON BLOCKCHAINE... link here

step 1 best 30 mins of your life if you do not get it ..then watch again untill you do ..i watched it about 10 times till i finally got are probly much clever than i so 1 or 2 times max...

Step2 Next go here where you can see what the markets are doing spend some time looking at all the different types of currency.. go to there is not about the currency it is about the idea behind it.. look at Tenx it is a new cryptocurrency that you can spend in any shop as long as they haver a visa or master cool is that.. just buy your crypto and use it and spend it oin millons of outlets wordwide.... BUT THERE OVER 1000 just concentrate on the top 20 the blue fast moving chip if you will...this is a part of it...iT IS THE IDEA BEHIND THE CURRENCY THAT IS SO IMPORTAND NOT JUST THE CURRENCY BUT HOW IT WILL HELP US.

Step 3 go to your smart phone download a bitcoin wallet and you have just started LOOKING into cryptocurrency. you can buy just 50 usd to start.. i wil be posting on here to help people see how it rwally works and in a language you all understand i hope..

or thr.e last option ... PUT YOUR HEAD BETWEEN YOUR LEGS AND KISS YOU ARSE GOODBUY... AS WE ARE HEADIG FOR A WORLD DOWNTURN THAT WILL MAKE 2008 LOOK LIKE A WALK IN THE PARK..all you have to do is have a little faith..i mean the world is flat right..but you where told it is round..research it see if the little fat man writting this is just plum crazy or ..NOT..LOL

.but when it comes to cryptocurrency.. i can say hand on heart...just buy some..whats the worst that could this is just the start the train has not left the station .. climb aboard and lets ride this baby...
IWILL BE POSTING HERE AND YOU CAN FOLOW the full story ..we are going to build a cryptocurrency from start..then by using the blaockchain invent our own company aND PRODUCT TO USE ON IT ..

I promise to keep it in a language you can all understand.. A coin to serve the people CONCIER COIN ..this will be be the first of many blogs on this.
coin concierge make the leap.jpg iT IS JUST A SMALL LEAP..PROMISE..


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