Why does it matter if the Earth is Flat or Round?

in #flat7 years ago


Since the tower of Babel, people always wanted to unite countries, languages, currencies and culture into one big government led by one leader. Now, more than ever, they have the chance to accomplish this successfully, since people who believe in the globe earth are more willing to trust and accept the agenda of GLOBALization, which eventually will bring forth the Antichrist. They, the Vatican Church aka the Sun /Lucifer worshipers (in their view), created the concept of planets orbiting an immense Sun, so that ignorant or/and gullible people would conclude that the Earth must be a sphere as well, since having a different shape would be abnormal to us, therefore, to feel as part of normality, people easily embraced this heliocentric and spherical earth idea. Having a globe earth, the elite wants you to think we are not limited by boundaries, but there's an infinite universe that only the "smart people" dressed up in white robes and “ultra high tech space” costumes working for the "cause we said so" association aka NASA, can research and travel outside the globe earth FOR US to tell stories of what they saw out there, so we don't have to risk our lives.

This all comes down to making citizens of the earth feel unimportant, undesirable and making them believe that the only purpose of life is finding happiness through all means necessary, even at the cost of their health, wealth, relationships or life; making them believe that there is no life after death; making them believe there is no GOD; making them believe that if there was a God, He couldn't possibly have a special plan and purpose for their life, individually, since there's other forms of life on the other millions of planets; making people think they are their own gods and they have total control over their lives; making people think that it's all about YOLO/You only live once, thus promoting the "no life after death" principle; making people make their life only about themselves. That’s why we live in a SELFIE age. The Illuminati's ultimate purpose is to prepare men's souls for embracing the coming of the Antichrist as their Savior and God, since all their life they thought there's no God, hope or love. He will even proclaim himself as Messiah and God, when he will sit on the throne in the third temple of Jerusalem created by the elite to complete the prophecies.

Those who control our world read the Bible even more than the majority of Christians do because they WANT their “Savior”/Lucifer to come and give them all they want in this physical life and that’s all they care about. Whereas, if we followed the Bible and the Book of Enoch (which was supposed to be IN the Bible), we wouldn't have all this headache. Everything would have been simple and clear. We live on a flat surface surrounded by solid tall ice walls acting as boundaries, assisting the firmament of heaven/the dome/the vault. Today, we would have had more believers in Jesus Christ and His words, less wars, less terrorism and radicalism, and everything from geography, history, culture to military, politics, science and religion would have been so different that the world wouldn't yell for a leader, a savior so badly, because we would trust God with our lives. In the end, God IS in control and WANTS all this to happen and He LETS it happen so that Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior can come back as Warrior and Judge of the world to save His children and followers and defeat Lucifer forever and ever and lock him down in the physical hell along with all those who denied the truth of Christ and instead preferred a sinful life conducted by the devil, even though God prepared that horrible place for Lucifer and his angels.

“When it is seen that the Earth is not a sphere, but a plane, having only one center, the north; and that the south is the vast icy boundary of the world, the difficulties experienced by circumnavigators can be easily understood.”

  • Dr. Samuel Rowbotham “Zetetic Astronomy, Earth Not a Globe!”

The Vatican and the elites invented the idea of spherical planets as witnesses for our globe planet called Earth. If the planets are spherical, it means our planet is spherical too. The purpose of globalism and heliocentric theory is to rush in the coming of the antichrist. If people are lured into believing the Earth is a globe, that there are billions of galaxies, hundreds of planets with extraterrestrial life and so on and so forth, the possibility of an alien invasion is real and imminent. Therefore, when being faced with an “extraterrestrial threat” by fake spaceships, lasers, holograms projected on the sky surface and ultra-advanced technology, people will be asked for compliance with the New World Order conducted by then, the antichrist who will be given all the power of the earth to unite everyone and everything under one umbrella. People all over the world will easily accept his reign to avoid total “destruction” of the human race, which of course, will be a false threat.

"Today, Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will pledge with world leaders to deliver them from this evil.

This only thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government."

  • Henry Kissinger in an adress to the Bilderberg meeting at Evian, France, May 21, 1992.

Eventually, after reigning over the entire world under one government, one language, one currency and one religion for three years and a half, according the Bible, the antichrist will sit in the third temple of Jerusalem which will be built by then and declare himself as GOD, THE MESSIAH. Almost every Jew and every Christian and non-Christian will bow before him and accept him as the Messiah because they will have been deceived.

The globe Earth theory goes hand in hand perfectly with the pre-tribulation rapture, which is by the way...FALSE. Just meditate on that. If people knew that the Earth is indeed FLAT, common sense would tell them that since our universe is enclosed under the Earth's dome, which is a protective shield from the spiritual dimension (above the dome, there are the above waters and after that level, there's God's domain), an alien invasion would not be possible cause there is no outer space; no galaxies; no planets; no milky way. Therefore, they would be ready for the coming of the antichrist who wouldn't have any power against them. But the elites are diabolically clever because they worship Lucifer and his demons. That's where they get their wisdom, intelligence, inspiration for every plan they have and every new technology that we haven't even heard of. That is why it is vital to know if the earth is flat or spherical. Globalism is the biggest and most dangerous scheme of all in the human history.

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