The Wrong Revolution : A Flashfiction.

in #flashfiction5 years ago


My thoughts won't just leave me alone on this, and to whom do I cry to about this decay, all attempt to make things right always goes wrong and our clamour for peace isn't entering there ears. They said it is there time to be stubborn now because we've had our own. True, we did, they begged us all day through all media propagating the message of peace, telling us war isn't the real deal, peace is. Our adamant nature took the full control,

"Away with them ! "

"Down with the government " was the slogan.

We didn't stop at that, all government properties were vandalised day by day while the said government keeps moving away from us. We grew stronger and rejoiced, thinking we are now in full control.

Oh my !

Someone should have warned us we've commune with hell, a Prophet, a man of God perhaps, but all have taken the path of Martin Luther King, not for God this time but the fame that it's brings. We clamour day and night for our own freedom and made away with the rules that bound us.

We should have been told that a city with no rule is no sin, and no sin is no offense and our enemy took this word upon us, came back in full force in one night and raided us all, only for the whole city to wake up with wailing and tears. It was a night to remember.

247 Words
An entry into @jayna contest.
Micro-Fiction Contest Results.
New Prompt - Rule

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