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RE: Flashback Friday Fotos - even more pics from my mother's side of the family


These are wonderful photos and I am so glad you are doing this while some of the people in them are still alive. After my mom died, we found lots of photos but my Dad (as men often can't) couldn't remember or didn't know who was in some of those photos - and 11 months later he was gone. Nothing was written on the back. That was nearly 20 years ago, and became obsessed with writing on the back of photos, who was in them, when, where, etc. they were taken.

Then came digital and I ended up, because there seemed to be two kodak folders on the computer, deleting a whack of photos including of my one and only visit to Manhattan.... It's one of the things I really like about Facebook and the cloud.

That said, I do love these old memories and must do some more, myself. Thanks for these, and I look forward to the next batch.


Thanks, @fionasfavourites! I've been meaning to do this for years, but I kept putting it off until I got a better scanner/computer/editing software. Then recently, I decided enough was enough and I should just do it!

I thought my Nana was writing on the backs of photos, but at the moment, I'm not finding many with her handwriting. I've found a few that no one seems to know the story behind - including one that looks like she was posing, with some other women, for an ad for a local clothing store!

And yes, I will concede that FB is cool when it comes to the photo thing. And I hear you on the loss of digital photos - I did something similar around 2007, only I was trying to move folders of photos between computers, and hit "cut" instead of "copy" and lost so many pictures of the kids when they were little. It's heartbreaking when it happens, but I try to remind myself that in the end, it's only stuff. Sometimes I even believe it...😜 💜

hit "cut" instead of "copy" and lost so many pictures of the kids when they were little. It's heartbreaking

Heartbreaking. Yes and no-one to blame but one's self.

Yeppers, which makes it so much worse - I already yell at myself enough for mistakes like this, so it would be nice to have someone else to yell at, for a change of pace... 😉 😂


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