Patience is a virtue of honor that the group is visible after long suffering, forbearance, tolerance, endurance, sufferance etc. Patience is ability to wait despite all circumstances and suffering till the end.


An Adage says, A patient dog eat the best bone.

“And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise” – Hebrews 6:15


This is the ability to endure when there is difficulties and trials at a particular period of time. Despites the fact that you are a child of God, your faith and endurance should be more and greater than any trial or opposition coming your way (Psalm 40:1, Romans 2:7). Patience is a virtue upon folks which saturated from the head to toe. Impatience introduces you to a lot of trials and when you don’t allow total patience in you, you might be dominated and overwhelmed (Isaiah 49:31, Ecclesiastes 7:8). Wait on the lord, He will establish you and settle you.



  • To Accomplish the Promise of God.

Getting to the standard of God you need to be tested whether you are up to the task (James 1:2-4, Hebrew 6:15). Whatever comes by warfare are kept by covenant & promise of God (Deuteronomy 1:11, 15:6). Likewise, God fulfilled all the promise he made with David (1 king 9:5). It’s when you are ready and wait patiently for God before the fulfilling His promises. You will have to make up your mind on whatever comes your way and allow patience to have root in you.


  • To Proof Your Stability in God.

Your endurance means waiting on God while you are in accordance with him as a partaker, chairperson in Christ Jesus (Matthew 10:22, Roman 9:22). As a child of Christ, you need to endure all thing and remain stable with God (1 Corinthians 13:7), soldiers never quit fighting, always ready to proof your stability with God and man (2 Timothy 2:3, 2Timothy 4: 5, Hebrews 10: 32). At times the test of God start as trails, that means God can train us with all test of faith (James 5:11, James 1:12). Proof to all universe who you are as Christ believer. Patience is required to pass all these tests and after passing the test comes explosion into your glory. Make up your mind to be patient today. The reward is vast.



The spirit of patience illuminate the darkness of arrogance in our life, when you are patience, it shown the total brokenness and submission through the word of God. The more level of Holy Spirit in you, the more your patience, (Ephesians 2:14), and with the support of prayer and fasting we will be more broken in the spirit with total patience. I pray that the Lord help us in Jesus name.


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Patience is indeed a priceless virtue!

Yes indeed. Thank you for your comment.

I enjoy reading this ... Patience is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. It is the fruit of a faith that stands out in the trials of life. Blessings

That's the fantastic truth. Thank you for your comment. Bless you.

**patient is a rare virtue which is hard to see in most people. But our God is a God of patience and he wants the same from us. (Isaiah 64:4)

This post was presented at the recent TCCNS. Thanks for coming. You can see is featured in the report here:

Thank you for sharing this post and reminding us to have patience and to let it grow in us. In the world that we live in today there is no patience everything is going at the very fast pace. But we should not conform to the world but conform to the word of God!

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