
in #flaminghelpers6 years ago (edited)

According to Dictionary online, Prudence is care, caution, and good judgment, as well as wisdom in looking ahead: sober prudence in handling one's affairs. Prudence is more of making cautioned decisions and in the end it is regarded as being wise.
      Life is full of choices.

There are many times we find ourselves in situations that require us to make very important choices that could dictate the course of our lives from that you onwards. Looking at your life in retrospect, can you convincingly say your have been based on the Word of God and on the leading of the Holy Spirit?

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Do you make wise choices? I don't mean wise in the site of the world but wise in the eyes of the Word. You need prudence, a virtue that will give you the ability of making wise choices in life.

When God endowed you with Prudence, others will take notice of you. By the time this virtue starts working in your life, you will begin to make the right and excellent choices with decisions that are applicable everyday and at anytime.
"Huram said moreover, Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, that made heaven and earth, who hath given to David the king a wise son, endued with prudence and understanding, that might build an house of the Lord, and an house for his kingdom" (2 Chronicles 2:12).
Huram, the king of Tyre was in awe of Solomon's wisdom for deciding to build God a house. He was shocked be he knew Solomon, being a young man, could have done several other things with his wealth, but he chose to use it to build a temple for the Lord his God.

"The wise in heart are called prudent, understanding, and knowing and winsome speech increases learning [in both speaker and listener]" (Proverbs 16:21 AMP).

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With prudence, you will make fewer errors in life. Since success is also defined as the ability to minimize errors, you will live a life of success. As Christians we need to ensure prudent in our lives. In fact, it's an important virtue of the Christian.
     I call it practical wisdom!

With it you make a wise choices and decisions. Become prudent in your life; be a wise man or woman with the wisdom of God. We need wisdom to operate in this current dispensation. Only wisdom can make us stand out in the midst of our current world (Sphere of contact).

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This post was presented in the last TCCNS and was feautured in the recent report here.

This is a very good post @stevenmosoes. I have learned something new today! Will resteem also!

When God endowed you with Prudence, others will take notice of you. By the time this virtue starts working in your life, you will begin to make the right and excellent choices with decisions that are applicable everyday and at any
Love this! Prudence in making the right decisions will get us to our proper destination.
Thank you!
Daddy William

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