The Christian Manual Part 3.

in #flaminghelpers7 years ago

Welcome back to Christian Manual in Parts. Here is Part 1 and Part 2.....

In the above Parts of this article, what exactly God is saying is that if you don't spend sufficient time with your Bible and discover out the truth for yourself the things God has given you freely, your Bishop or Pastor will keep on quoting and feeding you with letter of the words saying,

"And the Lord shall make thee the head and not the tail, and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath" Deuteronomy 28:13.

But by the time you go deep into the word of God, you will discover what God meant is spiritual heads hip and this will help you not to be using all means to get to the top in your place of work or to acquire the best house or car. And by the way of what use is your headship when you use all means to achieve the General Manager, Vice Chancellor, Rector, Provost, Principal or Head in your office and yet you are still running to false Prophets, Fake Pastors, Herbalist and Consulting Occult members all the while for help.

But the moment you discover what that place is talking about as the headship in the spirit you would surely begin to work seriously so as to attain and to reach the heavenly places in Christ Jesus where Satan, demons, witchcrafts and other evil doers could no longer reach you simply because you have been made a spiritual head over them and not the tail or that you are now living above them all in the realm of the spirit and no longer beneath them.
Thus this will prevent you from running after worldly things like the way many vision less Christians today are now struggling with the people of the world so as to get the best cars, houses, computers etc.
You will begin to hold tightly to sound doctrine and to be sober minded being mindful always of many of the doctrines of Jesus Christ to his followers most especially those things he warned us against saying, "mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate (be contended with mean things).... provide things honest in the sight of all men..... avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath, for it is written, vengeance is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord...... be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good" Romans 12:16-21.
To avenge yourself is to begin to harbour hatred, malice, bitterness, or grudges against your offenders, instead of God to fight for you or to punish your enemy on your behalf, God will now fold up his arms and allow you to continue to be rotten with your malice, hatred and bitterness until you end up in the lake of fire on the last day.
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Look at Genesis Chapters 29 and 30, you will see for yourself how God fought for Leah throughout her life simply because she did not quarrel nor harbour any bitterness against her rival (Rachel) neither did she go to anyone to report the way she was being maltreated in her marriage instead she chose to allow God to do the vengeance and he did.

The Bible says, "And when the Lord saw that Leah was hated he open her womb, but Rachel was barren" Genesis 29:31.

Throughout this period, Leah kept on saying positive words from her mouth each time she named her child - Reuben meaning, now therefore my husband will love me. (Genesis 29:32)
Let God fight for you. Don't fight for yourself because fighting for yourself might not guarantee that you will win but when God fight for you, you will both the war and the battle.
Thank you. Wonderful people.
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