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RE: Another Proud Flaggot @kooshikoo

in #flaggot8 years ago

i might not have been harsh enough with kooshikootard but i think if there is any part of this person that can be salvaged, i had to attempt it at least once. unfortunately, it looks, as though you are correct. all appearances are of extreme resistance to reason.


atleast you tried. I hope no one flags the flaggot but at the same time it is bound to happen when another flaggot decides something he says is offincive abuse with hate speech.

Weird thing is i did not see anything offencive or racist on the post. I didn't check the links nore do i care about the links. lol

If i see it flagging more ill just make more posts about the flaggot. I should make a meme of the pict. I wont be surprised if the flaggot starts playing the victim and claming harassment. lol

Some people want to take the blue pill. The red pill is a harsh mother fucker. Shit, im still dealing with the side effects from it and its been over 6 years.

One day when he loses his freedom to think or say something he will realize. it is unfornate that it might have to take that though.

i checked the links and did my own searches. he's either playing the victim for his SJW schtick or really, not too bright. everyone and their grandmother did an article on that story. their are the usual denials that come every time some religious batshit says some outlandish crap but even reuters did a story on it. it could have been a story on the mufti's comments about beating your wife not eating your wife but there is a story on lots of news sites.

That only makes it more funny! xD

i thought so. shame if some idiot flagged someone for repeating a typo. maybe he recommends men beat their wives so they will be tender when they eat them. mmmmm, tender wife meat.

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