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RE: Your Actions Are Pathetic At Best.

in #flaggot8 years ago (edited)

Obviously my vote appears to be the one that has rescued you from your purgatory!

I've no idea what your feud is about, but my advice is to make a new account and post with that, and leave this one dormant for a few weeks. Your persecutors will get bored and leave you alone (don't link the two accounts - don't transfer anything from this account to your new account because they'll just follow you). I'm afraid that is the only solution that works, most people don't patrol the "new" tab (I only found you because I was trawling deep in the new tab on a whim).


You should review the post history before deciding that this user has been persecuted, as flagging with legitimate grounds is not abusive.

This post which you upvoted is another in a string of accusations the OP makes without actually providing evidence for their claims. I asked them (and my sister) to end a feud that they were having (I had no prior interaction with them before this topic), but they decided that the feud was worth continuing as it "added value" by showing up SteemIt's "flaws". In the same post they had a string of accusations of "shady" activity on my account, and that I must be running a bot army to upvote my own posts.

All in the vein of "just asking questions", although "Your wallet history and the accounts that send you SBD all look really shady" is not a question. The "shady" behaviour turned out to be trades to Bittrex and Poloniex (my bots apparently).

Although those aren't what I downvoted. I've only downvoted three of their posts in total. One where they made a really silly straw man in response to another user.

The next where they made an ultimatum against me to remove my flag.

And finally this post, which continues the trend of making accusations against me without evidence and without a proper understanding of the topic. A misunderstanding is fine, but not making an effort to the point of even doing a Google search, and publicly accusing someone of "shady" dealings to put them on the defensive is not. And this thread now goes further than that, heavily misrepresenting the situation in order to garner support and paint me as a persecutor.

so pathetic. you still stalking me with your sister? fuck off and leave me out of your bullshit. i hope they do look back and see what this is all about. your trying to red herring and side tract what this is. you only showed up to flag people and try to fight like you keep doing here. i fucking swear i wish i had a better word then pathetic to use.

and all your quotes are half a quote at most. put the full thing i said and don't use it out of context. i have documented it all in psts and they can go to steemd
i hopt they do. then they will see you and your sister do nothing but lie, flagg out of opinion or if someone doesn't accept the thing you are telling someone to do and try to manipulate people.
fuck off and leave me alone you 2 re crazy and i want nothing to do with you flaggots.

do you not understand how a loaded question/accusation works? i have to be asking a question where it makes you look guilty no matter how you answer. second me saying it looked shady could be a guage on if you would talk about the subject or not cant it?

you're so full of shit your eyes must be brown.

your strawman comment with link take me to where i am asking your sister to remove me from her post after she says i don't belong in it. how is that my trying to strawman? do you even logic?

every "accuation" i have made i have backed up with screen shots or the block chain holds he proof. you and your sister are so alike. making statements based in lies with nothing to back up your claims.
your proof that you provide dose not prove you correct in any way. so funny. xD

I don't think they are two people, I think it is two accounts. They seem to think we can't see the history, think haven't watched it take place. Hello Chain Block,.. Hello, my new sub-account, and thing a "Strawman argument is worth flagging. Great flash back to my high school debate club. (yes, we know what a strawman is, but we going to start flagging on that?)

Just speechless and shaking my head. Ironic

They finally left me alone so im over it. I am amazed my rating is almost back to what it was too. I cant wait for them to make a stupid post that I fall onto in the new tab so I can make fun of it. xD

Thank you for the upvote. I luv my followers to much to make a new account. I am trying to sick it out and make fun of them while they act a fool. xD
I feel if I submit to their will they win this censorship game. I would rather go out standing strong with my head held up high then to grovel at the feet of someone that does not deserve it. if they finally turn me to a ghost I accept that. I know I will have been standing up for what I believe is right. Thank you again for the upvote, it is because of people like you that I am not a ghost right now. ♥

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