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RE: Hey Steemit. Let's Talk About Flagging. Again.

in #flagging7 years ago (edited)

It is reported by members that there is a large increase in membership this month. I hope that the flaggers will understand that flagging new members leaves a bad impression.

I am stunned that needs to pointed out repeatedly.


I am stunned that needs to pointed out repeatedly.

As am I. Not everyone is rational, and not everyone values the same things.

The questions is if the number of active members is increasing or not. Otherwise it is just fluctuation. Users are coming and going since there is no retention program.

We should try to retain 100% if possible. We won't reach that but, it should still be a goal. Thus, "good riddance" is not a good attitude IMO.

Why would people stay on a platform? Because they enjoy spending their time on it. In this case: because people can't just get enough from the content experience provided on steemit. Currently it seems that most of them don't do enjoy their ride and leave after a couple of activities. That's why the number of active users isn't increasing. 3,200 in 12hrs is nothing worth talking about.
That's the way to go:

  1. Create a product people will talk about.
  2. Develop a smart retention strategy and adapt your product/design accordingly.
  3. Bring more people to the platform (marketing).
    Currently we are called to work on no. 3 but don't have no. 2.

Yep that's why I wrote about wanting a 100% retention policy. I want to retain even the people I disagree with. If we're to be an inclusive community that means everyone.

Yet a lot of the activities are the opposite of retention oriented. This is something that needs to be addressed.

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