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RE: Bad Whales Flagging Content with False, Irrational and Hypocritical Excuses

in #flagging7 years ago

Too much text; Didn't read.

I for one appreciate smooth and transisto flagging over-rewarded , whale-swarmed posts.
As someone who clearly benefits from those swarms, your opinion is obviously biased.

What if you used your bandwidth to address the guild-issues, their self votes, the cheating from that side, instead ?


It's 'funny' how people use 1% to upvote a post, but is using 100% to downvote. I know that everyone has their reasons when they do something. For example: I think that you(@krnel) were very happy how long nobody downvotes your posts, and now after few flags, I can tell you are not so happy anymore.
The reason why @smooth start downvoting you and also other people that were too much on trending page, is a good reason ​because are so many other people on this platform that provide a ​high level of value and still we miss them because whales are using their SP to vote you and few others every day.
You are still doing a good job, nobody says otherwise, but you should accept other people actions even if you do not agree with them. Anyway, ​just my little opinion!

It is pretty obviously selective though. I would prefer to see them use their flag more often if they are going to say this is their reason, because liars in power, especially those who refuse to acknowledge their responsibility are a total turn off for the userbase. I appreciate transisto because I have seen that he doesn't target users for personal reasons. Some other whales mentioned in the post are pretty obvious that they are acting out of retaliation, possibly for political gain, as users quickly learn not to cross them.

I appreciate transisto because I have seen that he doesn't target users for personal reasons

Since you named someone else and excluded me, you obviously think I'm not being selective. What would be the opposite of selective? Blindly throwing out votes without any observation or thought process. I can guarantee that is not the case. I have been downvoting (100% manually), and will continue to downvote overrewarded posts.

Some other whales mentioned in the post are pretty obvious that they are acting out of retaliation, possibly for political gain, as users quickly learn not to cross them.

I'm not sure if you are referring to me or not, but if so I can't imagine what personal reasons or reasons for retaliation you think would apply. There aren't any.

Who's overrewarded? Wasn't it the guys that made posts and made thousands of dollars per post when the price of Steem is high?

It is possible to have (and we have certainly had) posts that are earning too large a portion of the reward pool at any price level. @krnel's $30 post with the exact same voting would have been earning about $1500 last summer.

but there's "overrewarded" posts that are over $100-$200+ on the trending page. That's well over last summer's $1500.

If anything we have a lot of "underrewared" posts. Trending or not.

Sounds to me like the "overrewarding" is not the problem. The reward pool is the problem and how it's set up to distribute rewards.

Inb4: Long-ass reply, statements that I'm jealous, statements about how I should improve my own content first.

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