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RE: Post Flag Abuse Complaints On This Post

in #flagabuse5 years ago

Hi my post and reputation score were downgraded because a post was flagged claiming I did not sight the source. In the very first line I gave the name of the photographer, my friend Martina Adams and her cat glory. The steemcleaner bot or whatever it is did not read
and simply downgraded. This is not fair. I just started on this site. It is difficult to get votes. I had a repution scoreof 37 and it was reduced to 35 for no reason. They left a link to a gaming app. I have no way of contacting them. I left the following on their page, but nothing has been done to correct the situation.

"Hello you downgraded my post @catmoonwarrior claiming I did not sight my post. I gave the photographers name in the very first line of the post. Please read before you downvote peoples posts. And remove the block from my post. I cannot contact you in any other way. The link left goes to a gaming app. This was unfair and ridiculous because if you only read you would see the name of the picture taker."

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