For your flagging practice...

in #flag7 years ago (edited)

Well Fellow Steemians,

We have to take responsibility for keeping the neighborhood clean and safe.  Here is one of the reasons we can't have nice things...

Edited to add @solarsherpa took the time to defend his actions and write a response in the comments.  It has the potential to make for a great conversation...  Check out those comments prior to flagging.  

I have no problem with the upvote bots, but we shouldn't allow people to abuse them.  (my opinion)  This account is posting a 1 picture post and then buying every upvote he can.  It is fine to try but it is also fine to use your stake to help keep the site clean.

I keep talking about flags because they are the tools we have been given to keep the site clean.  Don't like trending, flag it.  Don't like spam, flag it.  We have the tools, we just need to get comfortable using them.

What's your point of view on flagging and keeping the site clean?


Sorry that you don't like what I'm doing. Part of it is an experiment to see what actually works on Steemit. You put up posts to try to get to the HOT page to see if you can write something that resonates.

Then you find out that you're not getting much traction, so you see if you can use the bots to get you up high enough to get some notice.

That doesn't work either. So, eventually you get demoralized because you realize that if you're late to the game it's really hard to get traction on the site.

And, then if you look at some of my comments you'll see I'm sharing my experience with bot-postings for minnows who are hopeful to become dolphins one day.

You'll also notice in my posts that if someone comments, and they sometimes do, I'll immediately upvote them and respond to them.

I'm curious why you wouldn't comment on any of my posts and instead downvoted my posting (which is your right, of course), then make a posting about what a horrible Steemian I am.

I'm continuing to try and find the lay of the land here. I didn't join when Steem was $.07 or $.15 or $.50. I joined when it was $1.30, and I put in a bunch of my own money to see if it would help me get some traction here.

I've gotten decent traction on reddit when I made postings but anything I'd pour my heart into would never go anywhere.

I've attended Bitshares/Whaleshares hangout religiously, but I don't have time to be on Discord, too, with my job and kids, so maybe I'm not getting to know the right people.

Sure, I follow Stan, Intelliguy, OfficialFuzzy (and all the other little fuzzies that he's created), and I comment, resteem and upvote their posts. But, I'd like to get more traction on this platform.

So, you can play sheriff, but you can also start a dialog. I'm here, if you'd like to do that.

You might want to look into Bill Watterson's opinion on monetizing his work.

Upvoted for visibility and for having the balls to reply to this.

IMO, It's fine to upvote the shit out of your own posts, and profitable, if you've spent some time writing something decent or producing something original. Some people would disagree with me on this, but I see nothing wrong with getting what's yours, if you're producing something that's actually worthwhile.

But you can't (OK, shouldn't) just post a Calvin and Hobbes cartoon, for example, and do the same thing.

Will you ultimately get the same payout? Maybe at first, but in the long-term, you will actually attract people who want to follow you based on your quality content, rather than attracting hate like this for sapping the reward pool.

FWIW, I bought in when it was over $2.00 each, sold out much lower, and just bought back in recently. Not the smartest economic move but this community, if you spend some time getting a lay of the land, will reward you if you continuously produce original stuff that's decent. A lot of people I follow joined much later than I did and are doing better.

You won't get paid well everytime, and you'll probably make posts that don't get the payout you think you deserve, but you'll get traction and real followers over time if you put in a legitmate effort.

Anyway, hope you don't take this as a personal attack, just some constructive criticism. Thanks for replying to this so we can discuss it.

The site is young, we are teaching new users how to use the site. I am encouraging people to get over their fear of flagging and use the tools given to us.

I looked at many of your posts prior to flagging it and suggesting that others do the same. If you put the any effort into your content or at least looked like you are trying I wouldn't be flagging.

There are 50 of you or more on the site, I don't want to speak to each of you. If I see it, I will flag it.

Now you can write to the minnows that you are teaching how making obviously meaningless posts and using a bunch of bots on them will get you flagged. :)

Ah, Physician, heal (or flag) thyself.

This post got $30 and you used booster to get it going.

Well ,you seem smart enough to create your own content , or stories , or just find a nishe . You cannot post one image + 5 words and use all the boosters on this platform , and not expect people to flag it . It looks fishy , even if that wasn't your intention . If you continue to make quality content , people will come .

Hehe fishmon says it looks fishy

Yes, I did. I use booster often. After I write a post, I never use it to promote 1 picture joke crap. I don't use every voting service on each of my posts.

I guess you're right. You used it to promote a 2 picture joke. That's either twice as good or twice as bad as me.

Don't compare posts that I've worked on and using 1 buy a vote program to making 1 picture posts with 0 effort and buying every vote you can.

I wouldn't even touch it if you wrote... Using this post to upvote myself.

I gave you a flag, others can consider your work and decide for themselves. I also give you credit for answering back and I will edit my post to reflect that.

I realize we aren't going to come to an agreement, but I invite you to go back and recheck the 3 posts you downvoted.

In 2 of them I wrote something personal at the top of them which was basically as much on them as you wrote on your post.

I didn't format it as nicely as you did, but I did write something personal.

At least you don't kiss ass .Which is nice .
You actually wrote on this comments more than i saw text in your last 10 posts .

I edited my post to reflect you had commented and for people to check out your side before flagging. The difference is I looked at three of your posts all upvoted by many bots and not one with content. At least pretend please.

That specific post was a response to several other posts going on that day. Maybe a booster wasn't the best choice, it is not hard to tell you had to go back a couple of months to find shitty post of mine to point out. I post daily... Why so old?

You've been working at it for a year. I've been working at it for 3 months. Sorry my quality isn't as good as yours.

I kneel before the always high quality content of whassup.

Nobody asked you to kneel. Plenty of my posts suck. I don't use 8 upvote bots to upvote a photo though. If you want to pretend you are a victim here, have at it.

We really need to add a separate downvoting pool. I think that would discourage a lot of the bot abuse.

I think the steemit board should be the one in charge of flagging wrong contents because i have seen people abuse it really badly. You don't like somebody's comment for the sake of sentiments for example and then you flag it, i think that is wrong.

There is no Steem Board. There is only the community to decide what we want to reward or not.

There are no easy answers. It's a community of over 300,000 and growing.

People do what they think that gotta do.

I understand, but we just need to be matured about the flagging thing.

Agree with you flagging is a strong tool we should use it if some thing practice wrong

hey man you see now only iceberg of abusers look whom i found:

look at his posts he do 30-50 posts per day using affiliate link +only photos of product no review no nothing , and randowhaling it ! i think thats huge abuse more than your guy, but ye will flag your guy too :)

That guy is really wasting his steem... If he keeps doing that it will end in a loss for him. He is better off converting that SBD to steem power.. Most of those bots are basically scams, you send them x amount of steem and the vote you bought is usually lower than what you sent.

Keep you SBD folks and power it up. I do like @randowhale @booster and @minnowbooster though. They do good work for the community for the most part. I use them from time to time too. But these system shouldn't be abused.

As for flagging that can be easily abused too.

It is sad but this is life. Some people are not that honorable.

I have to disagree with you on that point. If you research the boosters and use them within the limits they set it can get you a better return - either via the bot or via the bot's followers.

At this point, @booster is taking in more money than it's voting power returns nearly every time ( At best, it's usually a 1.01 : 1 but the followers can give a nice bump.

Minnowbooster is always good.

Randowhale, nettybot, lovejuice, buildawhale - they all can provide good value.

No matter how good it is, if it doesn't get to the HOT page, it's not worth the time.

But, if you're careful and send money to @booster in the last 5 minutes, and it's not over subscribed (and even if it is) and you also hit up all the others, you can get a 1.2x return.

For someone new to Steem, hitting the front page is a frickin' home run. And, it's addictive. You keep hoping that one day you'll hit $10, then $20. And you'll try to do what it takes.

Yea I was being vague and just trying to make a point.

Sure you can make a return with these bots if used wisely and not abused. Thats why they are around and used. But like you say your timing needs to be right with these bots, you need to make sure they have the power at the time etc. I was speaking to abusing the bot the way the user in the original post was. He wasn't trying to make the most of his steem and was just abusing the system. He wont make profits long if any at all.

If your goal is to get attention to your post, spamming your post with every vote bot is not the way to do it.

For the most part, I prefer to using my voting power for upvotes... THAT SAID, I usually reserve flags for obvious copy-pasta; someone who goes around and leaves 100 identical comments, typically showing they have NOT read the post, in the first place. If it's really bad, I might invoke SadKitten or Spaminators.

I will also flag rampant self-upvoting... someone who puts "nice post" all over the place and then gives themselves a 100% upvote for that.

I tend to be less inclined to put much energy into someone who "purchases" lots of upvotes, as it is generally a losing game, in the long run... except for making the upvote service richer. You throw 1 SBD (let's say) at a service, and MAYBE you get a $1.50 boost. Which then declines to $1.20 by payout time, and you lost 25% to curation. So now you paid $1 to get 90 cents. It's like playing "odds" and "evens" in roulette... the house ALWAYS wins, because there's 0 ans 00.

Sure, the whole thing is somewhat subjective... we each have our own vision of what we hope Steemit will become. In my case, my voting patterns reflect what I believe will help the long term survival of Steemit...

... and most of these self-actions tend to be very short-term oriented.

agreed with you i was thinking the same but sir ! what if a person use service like comments 6 days ago got upvoted ? than it should be that much declined right ? :)

I completely agree with you, @dan and @ned built the tool so that we could self monitor. I must confess I should spend more or my power downvoting, but psychologically it's hard because I don't want to be seen as a jerk. It's important we support each other and flag together against these a-holes.

I'd be interested hearing from bot owners in regards to all this.

Great idea. Lord knows they're making good money. You look at @booster's wallet ( and it's sending out $750/day to bittrex.

That's real money.

Well I'm just laughing so hard at the photo of the flag in the eye LOLOLOLOL Nice...

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