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RE: Beware of Flags!

in #flag7 years ago (edited)

Spamming, plagiarism, identity theft, scamming all seem like legitimate reasons to flag someone. But again, I feel it is better to report to @steemcleaners for example than to take it on yourself and start flagging.

@steemcleaners is over-burdened by the recent rise in plagiarism, impersonation and spam

Flagging is a feature for a good reason, it needs a community effort to protect the reward pool from people abusing it to extract value from the platform!

please think about your stance on this!


Yes, this!
It is a communal effort. Steamcleaners is not capable of handling every abuse case. And if my steam power is 50 and theirs 25 and it IS AN OBVIOUS abuse, a quick polite comment on my part, possibly with a flag, will cure the issue faster and cleaner than bothering steamcleaners with it.

I have done both. BUT I AM VERY cautious about flagging. I have had one new user try and revenge flag three of my posts. Their flags didnt take away even a penny. And that caused them to use their resource.

So, no big deal.

Thanks for commenting, I agree with your clarification!!

I don't disapprove flagging but I do think that minnows should think twice about flagging. I do believe that the community should come together and fight the increasing misbehavior. Pointing out misbehavior and confronting the author might be more productive than just flagging a post. Perhaps the steemian is not aware that he is doing something wrong. If the person is intentionally breaking the rules then we have to do something about it. I am seeing some flag wars taking place at the moment and it is not a pretty sight. If minnows also start flagging each other then this would do more harm than good. I think more whales should get involved in keeping the peace instead of fighting amongs themselves. Steemit is what made them and they should take more care of it. With great power comes great responsibility. You can't ask the minnows to fight this by themselves, especially because they lack the power and are quite vulnerable.

PS. I love your work, keep it up. I love reading your posts.

Yes, I get what you are pointing at, flagging must be used with caution and reason.

But we shouldn't hesitate when we are convinced of our reasons. It's just a vote after all, albeit a negative one. The same rules apply.

P.S.: thanks for the flowers!

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