in #fivefacts6 years ago

Ok so I’ve been nominated for a new challenge, it’s 5 things about me by @demotruk! I know its super late, but hey better late than never :P  

I love these types of challenges because you really get to know someone so well! It’s amazing how great few things can change your opinion about a person. A lot of us judge everyone, it is in our human nature and normal to judge. However there is different types of people and how they judge everyone!

1. I came to England alone when I was 14 years old.

Yes that has happened. My parents shipped me away when I was young and didnt really speak much english., It was hard and lonely, and challenging, but I guess it made me who I am now. 

2. I love animals and a huge dog lover

I have the cutest, sweetest French bulldog, who is also a HUGE FARTING machine! Last night was a killer, dont know what he ate, but I still love him. I love all animals, and zoos, I can spend all day looking at them, feeding them and just really starring. They fascinate me. Maybe I will have a zoo one day. 

3. I used to be fat and bullied at school for years.

This isn't very nice and makes me realise how horrible school was and how it really ruins someones life for a long time. It makes you feel extremely insecure and horrible about yourself. Bullies should be punished! I am totally fine now of course, I used to defend myself and beat everyone up, what can I say survival skills came in handy. 

4. I spend all my money on food and travel

I am sorta guilty of that, all my money goes to travelling or trying some sorta fancy food. I love eating out, trying new things, brunches, suppers, dinners, secret spots, markets whatever it is, I will be there. The love for food is very strong from a young age ;) hahaha but at least I get so much pleasure from travelling and seeing the world as well. What do you spend your money on?

5. Everyone spells my name wrong on daily basis. I heard it all, and most of the time people assume I’m a Muslim god and my name is Allah...

That is totally incorrect. My name in italian menus constantly comes up as alla pizza, alla pasta. I never knew I was being sold for tasting. Oh well, I guess I will have to avoid Italy before they serve me in a dish. But most common one is the muslim god, for some reason when peopel even see that my name is spelled Alla - A l l a, they still wanna add the h at the end. Oh well I am used to it. My name is unique and totally russian. I am special, what can i say! 

I hope you enjoyed this, for the next challenge I nominate @Ivargereiko!! !

Lots of love,

Alla xxx


You should probably grab '@allahsyummyfood' and even '@annasyummyfood', just in case someone ever sends some Steem to the wrong account. I took '@demotruck' just in case, people always mispell my username that way.

Non-Irish people usually spell my real name wrong too, but it's understandable, the spelling only makes sense if you're Irish.

hahahha thats really hilarious!!! truck :P yeah i will have to consider it!!

Oh, I see how it is. I wondered who you might challenge next... Mhhhmmm. Haha

hahhaha look at you usingg GIFS and all!!! maybe @ivargereiko will nominate you after ;P xxx

Hahaha, that's right. I'm a quick learner. Lol And dw, that's cool. I'll just sit here in the corner and cry a little... haha

It's never too late @allasyummyfood! Glad I got to see we have some things in common especially 2 and 4.
You are from Russia?
Here is my Oscar, also a frenchie:

im from latvia!!! your frenchie is adorable :)))

Thank you! Frenchies are the best!!! <3

So Cute ;)

who would ever spell Alla wrong ?

Wow its never too late @allasyummyfood friend , best of luck for the challange ,i have resteemed your post ,hope it helps you ,best of luck

I have one of those farting machines - his name is Bart and he is a rescue dog - part lab part pointer - he is pure white with a big patch on one eye and another on his bum!

hahahh awww so cute!! yeahh!

wow...whats the look...
thats so awesome... i appreciate to much..
i love this type of blog....
carry on...
thanks for sharing

Thank you so much for your valuable post sharing....... i like this post and this story also good, anyway i appreciate your blog .i waiting your next post...dear.... resteemit and upvote done

Wooow! its very beautiful dear thanks for sharing I like it and i always wait for your post good work and good Luck.

Nice getting to know you better! 🙏

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