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RE: 🌟Let me explain...🌟 #FitnessChallenge

Forget about the writing contest and start publishing more of your stories! :D

What a wonderfully resilient and inspiring person you are (and a lucky guy that @chrisroberts is)... I stopped taking as little as a panadol (or whatever it is these days) a long time ago, and I have managed to avoid doctors and hospitals but still pay the hefty private health insurance bills :p

Good luck with the fitness challenge and hope you can expand on a couple of the threads in your story - it is great to get to know you better and see what joy you bring to people on steemit :)


Awe, shucks! Thanks @plushzilla !

I've thought about writing everything down... but then I'm all like, "But what about the NOW?!". LOL! This is the first time I've ever written it down, though very brief and basically outline form... It was crazy to think of it all in order. I'm pretty awesome. I need to remember that. 😏

I haven't been to a doctor in .... over 12 years, maybe? Maybe I have... I've definitely had a dentist visit... I basically have treated everything naturally forever.... and because of that, I don't really get sick. Even in the last few years, whilst gaining weight and becoming generally unhealthy, I've haven't gotten sick.

To be fair, I notice the little monsters (they look much like the Mucinex creature) VERY early and am able to knock it out with Oregano Oil, Garlic and or Vitamins. My army of men is much too strong for viruses and the like... knock on wood.😀

Be thankful that you have access to private health insurance still... crazy folks keep trying to take that away. 😉

I do plan to expand a bit. I need to work up the courage to write down what happened two years ago. Damn, that's gonna be a novel.


I don't think you need to do anything more than what you are doing now. It's great that you are able to share some of these insights into your life, since most of us will not have the opportunity to meet you in person and it is hard to read things like this without all the history and context associated with a story. I think the story will write itself in good time :)

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