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RE: 🌟Let me explain...🌟 #FitnessChallenge

in #fitnesschallenge7 years ago

That is the longest Steemit post that I have read in a long time!

But I was curious to hear the good job!

Do you think some strains of cannibis are good? Do you think Cannibis can be good for everybody? Or that it is like wine....some people will always tend to abuse it? I am against its current illegalization.... But have seen friends in High School that abused it and were on the road to being BIG nothings.

Happy Holidays,


Same. Long, well worth it. And kinda the same questions because... (well.. the acquaintances I saw using were in College...but pretty much same)

I totally get it. You should read my response to @em3.

I'm trying to combat all the years of only 'the bad ones' having access because of governmental propaganda. People who really needed it didn't even look at it twice. Now, we're learning more, but still battling with the stigma.

S'ok though. It's happening everywhere. People will see. 😍

I'll field that. I'm Carrie's husband. I actually manage a recreational cannabis dispensary in Colorado.

Weed can definitely make you *lazy" and worthless, and all those crappy things that everyone thinks. But no matter who the user is and why they're doing it, they're getting the medicinal benefits.

I help people every day use cannabis products to replace their narcotic, addictive pain pillls. Recovering alcoholics, veterans with PTSD. There are even children who don't have to suffer from seizures anymore.

I think that the most damage it can do is when it becomes an unnecessarily high expense. For example, I regret all the money that I spent on weed when I could have been buying BTC for pennies. But hey, health insurance costs a bit too.

I'm sure cannabis has made me unsuccessful by other some other people's standards, but I'm thankful for it every day. I am what I am.

I also think that kids shouldn't really use it at all, unless they have a medical need. Just from experience, it seems like it can affect the way they grow and learn. I would suggest anyone waiting until about 20.

That's my two-cents. :)


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