Chips and Dip, if you don’t need it at the house…

in #fitness6 years ago


Chips and Dip are a party favor in any type of party. They are always around when you need them to be and always seem to find a place in your cabinets. This has always been a problem for many people during a fitness routine. It is the constant snacking and available food that we purchase at the super market and think to ourselves “what if someone comes over” .


This is a great way to think of your friends and family, but we all know that those little finger foods and snacks are mostly for us. I do not know if a lot of you have planned dinner parties once a week, but I can assure you that you can easily stop by a store on the way home to pick up those little essentials. Chips and dip can cause a big wreck in your training routine, especially if you have a mid-week splurge. These can cause your metabolism to slow down, store fat while you sleep, and make it become an unsuccessful week. If you are going to cheat and find yourself at a dinner party and cannot resist the chips and dip. Stick to something a little more healthy. I would choose the following!


Stop by the super market on your way and pick up the Baked Lays tortilla chips along with salsa. This will encourage you to stay away from the fried potato chips as well as keep you away from the dip that will put on the weight. Salsa is very healthy with any meal and if you find yourself looking for the dip…go for it!



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