My Fitbit Stats: March 23, 2023

I have discussed the start of my Fitbit journey


Starting Weight: 76 Kg
Weight Today: 69 Kg

Daily Stats

Number of steps: 5900
Distance travelled: 4.21KM
Calories burned: 213kcal

Monthly Stats

Number of steps: 137,418
Distance travelled: 98.12KM
Calories burned: 4,961kcal

Yearly Stats

Number of steps: 721,912
Distance travelled: 515.43KM
Calories burned: 26,999kcal

All Time Stats

Number of steps: 7,041,044
Distance travelled: 5,098.38KM
Calories burned: 285,011kcal

Well that's it for today, catch tomorrows edition once again.

Thanks for reading!!

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