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RE: Feb 25 2018 - Grip training for idiots - challenge completed

in #fitness7 years ago

This is really good stuff. Do you have wrist strengthening exercises. A desk job had made my wrist susceptible to injury.


Thanks for the reply @thezeit

A lot of what I did in that training session was wrist work. The revolving handle pullup bars work the wrist really hard and so the wrist wrenches.

I wouldn't recommend them for an office worker without any prior conditioning though or they'd probably do more damage than good.

I'd start someone with no training background with a foam stress ball and just get them to squeeze it while they flex their wrist for about 15 reps. Do that several times each day and after each set balance it out by stretching your hands and fingers back. There's no need to be too rigid with how many sets or reps you do each day just do it a few times each day and stop before your hands get fatigued or sore.

You need to start slow with grip work to avoid overuse injuries. So a foam ball is a great starting point, then move on to a tennis ball or something a bit harder in a month or so.

Boading balls are excellent for office workers and people susceptible to carpal tunnel syndrome and RSI problems as well.

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