DAY 20/100 of the FITNESS/HEALTH CHALLENGE - DOWN 6kg / 13.2lb | 20 Days Sober | Joined Gym

in #fitness7 years ago (edited)

Follow me in my 100 day journey to change my lazy ways and unhealthy eating. Stop eating junk, eat healthier. Stop sitting around drinking beer, go out and exercise.
Get fit, get ripped, be the best you can be!
Weigh in and results every 5th day.


Day 20 is done and I feel fan-freakin-tastic! I breathe better, I have more energy and the weirdest thing: I SMELL GREAT! The weirdest thing I realized recently is that since I stopped drinking alcohol I still sweat the normal amount (it's summer in Korea, it's toasty and humid!) but my sweat is pretty much odorless. I can't believe it. I'm not saying I smelled like a walking turd before my challenge but I think we all know what sweat smells like. I'm just saying now I don't have any odor. Pretty cool I think! No alcohol for 20 days and I can finally say, I don't miss it as much as I did on day 10. I think the worst is over. So let's get to some results!

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Guys! My bellow is slowly falling off! I know it's not super visible, but it is visible indeed! Stoked that I can actually see the differences in the pictures now. Still have some real nasty rolls when I sit down but every day is a step to less and less belly fat.


Side view: The gym is not showing massive results yet, last time I posted about my challenge was 5 days ago. The weekend came and went, I did eat some delicious food, but I stayed away form all the calorie crazy goods. Also no sugar filled drinks. The only major difference I can notice is still my belly. Now that I finally joined the gym let's see what the next 5 days hold.

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Measurements and Weight



A total of 6kg! BOOYAH!! Now, keep in mind this was not achieved by a crazy amount of exercise. I tried walking more and faster. I am eating mostly healthy foods. I stay away from anything alcoholic and all sugar filled snacks are a big NO NO.
No sodas, only water, coffee and juice! I am still struggling to eat fruits and vegetables, just never was a fan. I have a secret weapon though! Keep an eye on my channel and you will see it real soon. So simple, don't know why I haven't thought of it earlier.

Measurements are looking good so far. No major changes from day 15. I will inlcude shoulders and chest in next post.
Curious to what the gym will do to all the measurements.

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My diet is so much better! I really feel so much healthier and to think it does not actually take that much to lose a few pounds. I would say the first 2 weeks are the worst. Alcohol and sugar cravings was my nightmare. Now I am as strong as I ever was and I will not break! 80 days left! Finally joined a gym 2 days ago, only went once so far. Planning on going at least 3 times a week! Keep your eye on this channel and see how an average Joe like me can go from soft, weak and chubby to fit and in good shape. Still a long journey ahead. I am ready though! BRING IT ON!

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Day 20 done and dusted. Weight off, mind clearer. Thank you for all the support so far!
Really appreciate it.

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To all my followers:

Thank you for reading! Steem on Steemians!



Hey dude good for you, it's always nice to see someone do things to improve their lifestyle. Hopefully you continue on your journey and find success in it.

Thanks mate! Been a crazy ride so far but I am happy with the progress so far. Follow and stick around to see the end results!

Super for you @scrooger !

Have you noticed your face has become more defined ? it looks much leaner and the angles are a lot sharper.

Keep it going, you're heading to the nirvana of energy and health at this rate ;)

... though you've reminded me I need to get in shape... Darn it XS

Thanks a lot @pbock appreciate it! Hard to notice the changes as I see myself everyday. Hearing it from someone else is always great! Hey mate, I like your style, my feed is pretty full. Feel free to always drop my @scrooger tags in your posts. You are a great follower and would love to return the favor. Thanks again!

Hehe, no problemo :)

Thanks. I'm not quite sure what my style IS yet, but I'm leaning toward 3D design/printing (the design I made got me really riled up, can't wait to make another !!) and Augmented Reality.

That and maybe some psychology, as that's another subject I'm very passionate about.

(For a biologist, I'm pretty non-biology oriented XD probably why I choose to specialize in bioinformatics. To get back to something that motivated me more :) ).

Yeah I am with you on that one. You seem to be a bit like me maybe. Jack of all trades, master of some. LOL

I am also trying to find something I really want to write about. Have thought of so many things. That's why I started the guides. Kind of wonder if I should just keep going with them. The MARKDOWN posting was the most successful so far. I know my Thumbnail picture one has some potential but it hasn't seen any resteems. Was thinking of doing a version 2 of the Markdown one, adding more codes and useful features. Was also thinking of reviews or games or or or.. the list goes on.

Maybe you should just write and see what picks up, who knows. Psychology for me was the most interesting you mentioned. Everyone can relate to it. You are witty and quick with your remarks. Put them to paper (keyboard I guess). Just write man! With time you will know exactly what you can do here on Steemit.

True. I think I'll do that and go with your udea of trying till something sticks :)

I didnt resteem the Canvas one ? Darn. Will correct that grievous error now !

Dude! You didn't have to but thanks a million for doing it! I am not a big fan of resteeming but I live giving back in other ways. Once @randowhale is awake again, who knows. He might visit you! ;-)

Hehe. I resteem things I find either valuable or particularly funny...

Or the competitions I'm in... I liiiiike competitions XD

I need to do the same but I am injured at the moment and can't find the motivation :( . Maybe your posts will help me!!

Ah, that's no good. Hope it isn't something serious. At least keep training your mind if you can't always train your body!

Looking better and healthier day by day! ;)

Thanks mate! I struggle to see a difference from day 15. Just keep focusing on the gym and hoping it will show me some real results. Appreciate the feedback!

@scrooger 6 Kilos in 20 days is amazing! Great job! I've been where you were in cutting out the high carbs, soft drinks and sugar and trying to eat cleaner. The hardest was the sugar! I actually started having "Ella's Kitchen" organic baby food smoothie fruit mixes whenever I had a sugar craving, and it really helped! It's worth giving it a try next time your in the grocery store check out the organic baby food, then usually are really clean without any added preservatives. Best of luck on your journey, keep up the awesome hard work!

Thanks for your kind words! Keeps me motivated! I will check it out, not sure if I can find it here in Korea though. Was thinking of making smoothies and then just freezing them so that i can eat them like ice cream. Hehe.

I feel this is another challenge I need to take on!

Do it! I'll upvote every post! Promise! Every upvote is motivational!

I know that I'm reply to your post backwards, but hey I am enjoying seeing things backwards lol ! Awesome job george! Aloha Al

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