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RE: 5 Tips for Keeping it Keto At Restaurants - Keto Cut Day 19

in #fitness6 years ago

I started slowly moving towards a more keto diet 6-8 months ago. At my heaviest I was 230lbs. Today I'm down to about 193 and feeling much better. Im still learning and tweaking my diet but teaching myself that carbs are bad and that feeling hungry isnt necessarily a bad thing has been important. Alcohol is still my weakness but portion control and cutting as many carbs as possible is the key to success i think. Ive heard many opinions on how many carbs you should have per day but I shoot for zero grams of carbs unless Im carb loading on a cheat day - i find these to be helpful to break through to new lows. I also dont work out so thats another factor as well. Keto is awesome!

Ancillary and anecdotal thoughts: it has helped my intestinal distress issues and my facial dermatitis as well!


WOW! Great work, that's phenomenal! Feeling hungry can actually be a great thing, research has shown that being hungry actually makes us more alert because our bodies have adapted to being able to be more efficient at hunting and gathering when on an empty stomach so that we don't starve.

Alcohol is definitely a tough one. While I'm dieting I try not to go out with friends too much in order to avoid drinking. I leave that for the summer when the diet is over and I'm looking to maintain! Yeah, I typically hit 20-30g of carbs per day, but I keep very rigerous workout schedules, so that can cause my body to require more carbs for glycogen refueling. It's all about testing what works for you!

For sure you could need more carbs for workout purposes and it's definitely not a one size fits all. I've gone a week at times having fewer than 10g TOTAL. Cheat days are fun after that lol

Agreed! Everyone's body is individual and unique! Wow, that's really low on carbs! It seems to work out for you though! Haha yeah, I always love a good cheat day after a week of hardcore dieting!!

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