Exercise #2: "Squatting"; A Full Body Drill

in #fitness6 years ago

Hello everyone and welcome to another edition on Body fitness and exercises. It's so good to be back!

I once accompanied my big sister to the ladies gym station for her regular body aerobics and vigorous exercises as the case seemed. While at the gym, I noticed that some ladies focused more on a particular program more than the rest; they all ascended with their arm stretched out, their butt shooting out, maintaining balance with their feet on the ground and down again at a spot. This program is called Squatting (Squats) and that's what today's article is all about, so without pause, let's get right to it.

Source: Wikimedia

Squatting; The Full Body Drill

Primarily, One way to put the whole body to work effectively with the aim of achieving a great and notable impact on the body is through Squatting.


Squatting, as a cardiovascular exercise is one that simply works the body out in actual sense, and when I say work the whole body out, I don't mean stress the body out with no added advantage, no! not that. Squats practically work the body out by stressing the muscles, with the aim of making sure that the body is fit. There are many variations to squatting, some are more vigorous than others, some are with some external forces(tools), however, all of them are effective and significant.

Interestingly, while at the gym with my sister, I observed the various age grades doing squats, some in their mid-20s and 30s and others in their late 30s too. You'd be amazed seeing ladies at their mid-40s all squatting. Wow! Now isn't that weirdly remarkable? I Know some might think and say "it wears the muscles out" well I can tell you that in the long run that's not true because there are impressive reasons to why squats aren't such a bad idea.crossfit-534615_1920.jpg
Source: Pixabay

More Importantly, Squatting isn't only for the beautiful looking ladies it's more like a general cardio that just anyone can do, so long as you have the intention of keeping those muscles intact (fit) and the desire to burn fat. Men can do this programme comfortably, though it may seem tasking at the initial stage but doing it with a little or more consistency, you'd get the hang of it. Simply wake up every morning do your cardio, let's say 50 squats for a start and then as you progress you increase the numbers to 100 and then on to 150 and so on, but always endeavor to have an open mind towards it, standing straight at the first stage, with your arm stretched out like you are receiving a very weighty package or something, your butt shooting out, keeping a straight face, your feet all touching the ground(in some cases you might need to place your feet completely on the ground) and then slowly go down and up simultaneously. Remember, I said Squats have many variations as you progress you could change the variation you've been on to a different one respectively.

Importance Of Squatting; Reasons Why You Should Squat!

According to Wikipedia, squat is a

Compound, full body exercise that trains primarily the muscles of the thighs, hips, and buttocks, quadriceps femoris muscle, hamstrings, as well as strengthening the bones, ligaments, and insertion of the tendons throughout the lower body. Now
Squats are considered a vital exercise for increasing the strength and size of the legs as well as developing core strength.
Some notable importance of-squats are as follows;

Muscles And Strength
An Image of the Thigh muscle, sourced by Henry Gray licensed
under CC BY-SA 3.0

Squatting helps to build the muscles and increase the strength of the body. During squatting, the body releases a steroid called testosterone
that helps stimulate the muscle growth and boost the lipid metabolism in the body. This helps to prevent any health-related threat like diabetes, worn out muscles and cardiovascular diseases.


Any Cardiovascular program has a tendency to improve circulation in the body. However, squatting is more efficient in the circulatory system for circulating blood fluids through the muscles stimulating the organs, glands all through the body.

Body Alignment

As the word "Alignment" implies, research has shown that daily squats help to properly align the body should there be any case of stiffness and tight muscles. While doing squats, the joints might prove stubborn at the initial stage probably due to the age category but after a while, the muscles begin to stretch and the joints start locating their actual place in the body then you find out that body is properly aligned. Let's not forget that in the process of squatting the knees and the thighs all go down simultaneously, after a while the kneecap and thighs gain more strength and in turn align properly.
outdoor-685417_1920.jpgSource: Pixabay

Burns Fat And Increases Flexibility

Although there is not much to know here nonetheless, Squats helps to burn unnecessary fat in the body, preventing obesity. On the other hand, squats do help improve flexibility in the body by loosening the muscles and strengthening the lower body.

Abs And Butt

One important benefit of squatting is that it helps tone abs and butt if done consistently. However, if you've just started squatting don't expect the result the next minute just be patient with this one I tell you.

Variations Of Squatting

There are many kinds of squats both for male and females, some are light while others maybe vigorous and some others might seem extreme but it doesn't really matter what form or shape it takes all that really matters is that it is done properly. So here's a list of squats you could practice;

Body Weight Squats; This particular squat variation is simply called a regular squat because it's what anyone would think of doing when asked to squat. It requires no external tool(equipment), You just stretch out your arm, chin up, and then you go down and up again, maintaining a perfect back posture not letting the knee track the toes.
sport-285773_1280.pngSource: Pixabay

The Sumo Squats; In Sumo squats, there isn't much difference only that in this case, the feet have to be a bit wider that way more energy can be channeled to the butts and thighs to give you proper lift.
Tap to view image

Single Leg Squats; This squat simply activates the muscles and quadriceps improving all muscles of the list limbs, just by lifting one foot off the floor and then going up and down continuously although it sometimes proves difficult nevertheless it is more effective and achievable.

Pulse Squats; The Pulse squat is another way to help boost your adrenaline while squatting. It helps to give a perfect balance on the ground. It is simply done by widening the legs, like you opening your legs for a ball to pass through, then stretch out your hands while doing that, shoot your butt out. It's as simple as that, so once you go down your butt comes out and when you go up your body takes a straight(Erect) form.
squat-exercises-strong-sporty-woman-doing-outdoors-fresh-air-park-sunny-spring-day-copy-space-41034958.jpgSource: Dreamstime

Goblet Squats; The Goblet Squat is a variation that requires an external tool as I mentioned earlier. In most cases, the Kettlebell is often used for this variation.
senior-bearded-men-doing-kettlebell-goblet-squats-his-professional-trainer-who-standing-behind-him-correcting-99382432.jpgSource: Dreamstime; Senior bearded men doing goblet squats

Now, Goblet seems a little intense so first off, stand upright holding the kettlebell just around the chest region, open up your legs and then slowly go down, make sure your hamstrings rests in your calves and just when you reach the bottom, use your elbow to push your knees out to the side and then you go back up.

Wide Stance Split Squat; One very difficult squat to master is the wide stance. The wide stance is mostly done using a barbell.
A split Squat exercise for the thigh, sourced by Everkinetic,
licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0

The barbell is placed on the shoulders right at the back of the head, then one leg goes wide, far from the other and then you simply just go down and up again till you master it.

Finally, Squatting is a very effective exercise for anyone in any age category and it offers you so much in a practical sense you gain much more balance and strength for your body and interestingly it exercises has its tendency to keep you in health and good shape. Nonetheless, whenever you get the chance, do a couple of squats and some other programs attached to it, just to keep fit. Always remember "Reading is to the mind what Exercise is to the Body" and to enjoy good and proper health, you must exercise! See you around next time, anticipate the next edition on Fitness and Exercise. Thank you!

For Fitness and proper health and for the love of exercise.


Benefits Of Squats

Cardio Exercises


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