
oh that sounds great preppervetuk! and you're going to make a post of that right? I keep seeing you on squirrelbait's posts right?

LOL yeah, i'll have to REALLY condition myself for a one day challenge.... (100 an hour for ten hours...ooh) may be a REP too far...
Yeah i follow @Squirrelbait too.. (not too many Preppers on SteemIt is there?).

howdy back @preppervetuk! well as far as preppers, I don't know how many there are but @goldendawne has a group listed each week where she gathers some good posts and I THINK they're a prepper group..she belongs to alot of different groups but I think one of them is preppers, I'll have to pay more attention next time.
how long have you been prepping?

Had contingencies for over 20 years, but now in Civilian Life, I've consolidated my skills, knowledge and resources into a complete Prepping plan....Been prepping in the civilian sphere for 8 years.

sir preppervetuk..what branch of the service were you in and what do you mean by "had contingencies"? oh, and does England have alot of preppers like the United States does?

In the Military, there were a few of us who would band together should SHTF really kick-off. Rations, Weapons, Gear etc etc... We knew where to go and how to get it....
England doesn't have a lot of Preppers at all.... Most people walk around dumb and 'conditioned' by MSM & TV.
The U.K. is living in a nostalgic era that does not reflect modern day realities.

sir preppervetuk... I've been so alarmed and shocked at the huge influxe's of foreigners and the allowing of such to happen has been puzzling to me and concerning, I don't want the Motherland to become non-British. It would be different if they would want to become British and assimilate.

Yeah, exactly. The face of Britain has changed beyond belief in the last 10 or so years....
Local communities of indigenous people have been 'replaced'!
Foreign immigrants have no allegience, they are dragging us down to their level and turning our country into their country....
It's not a good situation.

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