The Best Morning Stretching Exercises for Men

in #fitness2 years ago

Do you wake up to stiff, sore muscles every morning? If so, you might want to consider adding in some morning stretching exercises to your daily routine. Adding just 10-15 minutes of stretching each morning can help relieve the aches and pains that build up overnight and make it much easier to get out of bed in the morning. Try these easy-to-do stretching exercises before starting your day tomorrow, and you may find yourself looking forward to waking up in the morning.

Target your chest

The pectoral muscles connect to your shoulder and upper arm joints, so it's crucial that you stretch them both. Chest stretches done in a doorway will help open up your chest muscles, which will relieve pressure on those joints. Make sure to get into a tall position (stretch above your head) and pull your shoulders back before you do any chest stretches. To start, spread your arms wide hold that stretch for 30 seconds before moving on to another one. You can also perform wall push-ups to wake up your pectoral muscles.

Stretch your shoulders and back

Next time you jump out of bed, try a few shoulder rolls followed by some easy back stretches. While you’re doing that, do a little toe-touching—just lift your toes as high as you can. You don’t need to go into a full split—just tilt from side to side and touch your toes. Spend about 30 seconds on each exercise and repeat several times before heading off to work or to your workout (if you’re so inclined). Not only will these exercises wake up your body, they’ll activate and strengthen muscles that are often overlooked in morning workouts: Your shoulders and back.

Target your abdomen

Abdominal exercises are among some of the most effective ways to strengthen and tighten your core, which can help reduce back pain, as well as aid in preventing future injuries. Plus, they’re easy to incorporate into your morning routine; all you need is 5-10 minutes before getting the rest of your day started. To really take advantage of these exercises—and get results faster—it’s important to do them correctly. One of the best core workouts is planks. Just get in a push up position with your elbows on the floor instead of hands. Keep your body in a straight postion and hold it for 60 seconds. Try doing 5 sets with 1 minute of rest in between. Another great abdomen movement is doing Russian Twists. Just sit with your feet on the ground, knees bent, and chest and head elevated. Touch both hands on one side of your body, then twist and touch both hands on the other side. To make it more difficult, hold onto a light weight. Try doing sets of 50, 3 times then increase the reps.

Stretch your quads, hamstrings, calves
Before you start moving through your morning, it’s smart to warm up those muscles with some easy stretches. One of our favorites is a series of quad and hamstring stretches that help to wake up your legs and get them ready for a great day. Stand in an upright position, on one foot if possible. With one hand on a wall or sturdy object nearby, slowly bend your standing leg until you feel a stretch in your quadriceps. Hold for about 10 seconds and repeat with other leg. Move onto your hamstrings next; keeping both feet on floor (or standing on one foot) bend forward from your hips until you feel tension in hamstrings, hold 10 seconds and repeat with other leg. For your calves, stand with your toes on a stair and heel hanging off. Extend up on your tip toes slowly and hold for a second at the top, lower yourself down and repeat. Try doing sets of 10 at a controlled pace.

Stretch Daily

Try to incorporate stretching into your morning routine every day. To really get the best start to your day, drink at least 2 large glasses of water as well.

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