You JUST Have to Make the GYM a Priority | SUMMER IS HERE

in #fitness6 years ago


Get ready for the Truth. There is 24 hours in the day and we all have busy lives. Working 9-5, supporting your family and trying to relax all in one day I get it! Nearly Impossible.

You JUST Have to Make the GYM a Priority | SUMMER IS HERE


  1. do what you can

  2. define your reason why

  3. me VS me


Exercising and going to the gym everyday isn't that hard at the same time it isn't as easy as you think. We all have busy lives most people work 8 hours a day most people like to relax when they get off of work but remember there's 24 hours in a day.

And you make time for what you think is most important. So you have to value the gym and make it a priority. With fitness it’s really important to do what you can, don't do what others think you should do.

So that means if you're running late on a Monday morning like I usually am, Do a 30 minute workout instead of an hour workout.

If you have an appointment after work just do a quick run around the block and hop in the shower Fitness is a life term goal and a lifetime task don't think of it as black and white.


You just don't have to go to the gym and lift up all the weights. So it’s very important when you're focusing on Fitness and working out to do what you can don't do what others think you should do because you are the ruler of your life and you only have time for what's important to you so make the time and schedule your day but make sure you throw some Fitness in there.

Before I started really getting into fitness I was confused I would start going hard for a week then I'll stop for two or three weeks.

Then I would just start again going hard for a week then stopped and what I realized was you have to Define your reason why…. why….. why am I waking up out of my bed!


What are you striving for what are your goals because when I was playing soccer a few years ago in high school and college. That was my reason why, soccer was my reason why I was working out and staying fit.

Why are you focused and want to improve your health and fitness this summer.
2018 is here b****** it's here and there's no better time to do it.


Before you go to your next workout session or before you think about going to the gym figure out what my reason why is.In the world where social media is taking over and in the world where people's opinions seem to matter, we have to remember we have to f****** remember it's not me versus you it's me versus me cuz I was born in this world I was born some values and some dreams and it's my job to accomplish them. Next time you go to the gym be like a horse put those blinders on next time you in the gym look right in the mirror and focus on yourself don't focus on the person next to you is good to. Day after day try to outdo yourself and that's the goal being the best version of you so I would leave you to a few questions to think about

Why am I working out?
Who is your motivation?

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