"Benchercise" Funny Exercise VideosteemCreated with Sketch.

in #fitness6 years ago (edited)

Funny "Benchercise" Exercise Video. Benchercising is the latest fitness craze! Benchercise your way to a better bod!

"Benchercise" YouTube video by @mininthecity

This is an improv video. I typed out the script afterward:

Oh! Hi! Didn’t see you there. You must be wondering what I’m up to. I call it benchercising. As a cycling enthusiast I’m always looking for ways to keep my legs strong and fit. And I have yet to find a better way to strengthen and tone the gluteus maximus. If you know what I mean.

One of the things I love about benchercising is it doesn’t require any specialized equipment. You can do it anywhere there’s a bench. I’ve been benchercising for about seven years now. Whoo, let’s see! I’m about 175 minutes in. About to wrap up for the day. Another tip is if you find yourself benchercising at your local playground don’t hesitate to make use of the other equipment as well. You can have all kinds of fun while getting your heartrate up.

Resteem to keep the benchercise craze going! Benches all over the world are finally helping to tone butts rather than just having butts sit on them.

"Benchercise Selfie" by @mininthecity

Who is @mininthecity??? Check out my introduce yourself post and share yours with me. I'm having a splendid time connecting with inspiring Steemians.


Clever ("Clev-ah" where I'm from) improvy type video!

Thanks! I wanted a fun way to learn video editing. This is the result of my first practice with iMovie. I decided to be brave and share my beginner's level work. I'd definitely appreciate a more skilled videographer: my teenage niece struggled to point my phone at me during her fits of giggles :) Hoping it spreads lots of laughter!

excellent. loved the ending! hehe. You will definitely stay fit doing that every day! :) keep up the video editing, spread much laughter and joy! x

:) My next editing practice will be a project my acupuncturist hired me to do. How-to videos on making bone broth and detox soup. Not as fun, yet it will give me more experience, and I already make those recipes frequently. Step by step I'll gain tech skills. Next thing you know I'll be editing your Beatles film. hehe! I appreciate your feedback and encouragement!

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