
avoiding a posture that attacks the structurally weakest point in the human anatomy the lower back. several ways to do that, push up from the knees at 45° angle, or leaned at angle against bed - the ultimate idea being more controlled effective repetitions where rate and degree of flex can be varied- whats nice about a bed is you can use the spring of the padding as an addition source of variability throughout the motion in stabilizing holds or a kind of rubber band effect - the idea being to trick and agitate multiple muscle groups for a more complete more effective expenditure of energy with less derogatory impact on the lower back. These are just some of my unexpressed thoughts on the subject I have gravitated to over time. If it can save someone some grief and wasted energy that would be a good thing. I used to "drop and give me a hundred" or 50 or shit like that [I'd either think that or sometimes say it out loud to get my ass moving- like for instance while living out of a tent at carlsbad state beach in the morning on a picnic table- and it always just felt wrong, like I was doing something stupid, more harm than good (which alot of "crazy workouts" usually are- just that: crazy). low impact stuff the smartest... I don't even like riding bikes to be honest, I hate the posture, it is hell on the lower back - that is one of the most important things to avoid- wear and tear on the lower back... a recumbent bike I could do- just can't afford [those motherfuckers are super expensive, and not commonly found either- would probably be easier to just make one although time consuming and a pain in the ass].

Sorry about the delayed response, I just didn't see your question there til just now.

I don't care for "challenges" or false competitions much either [oh I like playing chess sometimes, yada da-dah-duh] but false competitions usually lead to people doing dumbass bullshit, it's just a fact. Unfortunately this society is largely based on false artificial competitions, false grading, tests and "challenges" the primary purpose of which is to promote militancy. It all appeals to the bad part of the human brain [which is a substantial % of the total] by my estimation. Through pure voluntary collaboration focusing on individualized areas of specialization the human potential would be more effectively and fully realized. All the fake competitions going on is pure and simple horse shit, dog shit, etc. We are indoctrinated early on into it and it is a hard mindset to shake; but the truth is ~ it's fucking bullshit. 😀🐒🌐🎼🎸😼

I agree. There are better ways to perform he traditional push-up. I do believe that most challenges are for popularity/publicity. I also believe it is a great thing to set yourself goals. I used to workout a lot and I had to stop because of sickness, lack of time, and lack of transportation while at school. You have to set yourself goals. Even if they are unreachable you need to have them and be able to strive towards something of value to you.

Those are good sentiments. I am totally out of shape currently and need to make some changes. Step one is dopping around 30lbs and just all around making smarter choices about what I ingest. I foresee a 3 month process in accomplishing that, along w/ slowly instituting a sane workout regimen into my routine. I have done this more times than I can remember so it is not a matter of if. I have some serious bullshit that is preoccupying my attention along w/ a whole bus-load of uncertainty; but one way or another I am going to make it happen.

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