What is fitness training?

in #fitnesslast year

When starting training, you need to understand that the desired result - a certain body shape - will take time, which will be divided into training cycles. The latter have their own duration, as well as the number of workouts. The training of individual cycles is not the same, although they are characterized by common parameters.

Any training involves exercises, loads, approaches with rest time between them and the number of repetitions in the approach. The set and combination of elements in training depends on the level of fitness. By identifying the four basic training parameters that will form the basis of your training program, you will have a great start to training. After all, it is known that the right start is the key to a successful finish.

The decision to take care of your body is the right one. However, what should be the next step? Buy dumbbells, rubber shock absorbers, go on a diet? You can't do without the help of a fitness trainer. You also need to look at gym reviews. This is well known to those who have not managed to achieve their fitness goals on their own. It should be noted that some still achieved success, but not for long. An experienced trainer will definitely take an interest in what efforts a person has already made and how much he followed the training regimen. It often turns out that all efforts go into trying to stick to, and not strictly following the chosen program. This is the main mistake. After all, the difference between “try to adhere” and “strictly comply” can be either 30 or 300 percent. You can plan 150 sessions a year, and only do 100. It turns out that the regularity of training was only 66 percent.

To maintain interest in training, the Best Yoga studios will help you, where you can learn self-motivation techniques. These include the training of emotions in combination with the definition of training motives. You should not be left alone with the troubles in the classroom. The social environment of the classroom is also important; it should be comfortable. All successful actions must be recognized as positive achievements. Interest in training will support the exchange of experience on the forums of fitness sites.

Another example is diet. The diet provides for the consumption of 1200 calories, and the person consumed all 4800 calories. In this case, there will be no “trying to stick to” the diet at all. After all, the error in following the diet will be 300 percent.

The implementation of the planned fitness program can be compared to compliance with the terms of the contract. In business, this process is closely monitored, and both sides.

This is what a coach is for, to create a training and nutrition program, as well as to monitor how accurately it is performed. If efforts and promises do not match, they are regarded as mistakes that need to be corrected. There can be two ways to fix it - to increase efforts or to land the target. An experienced coach will be able to choose the right way.

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