''Second Event''

in #fitness7 years ago

Man event 2 was our event! we killed the workout.
It was just made for three of us, we were fast at it and no one was even close to us in our heat.
A great team work that I'm very proud of!


Here it was:
WOD 2: “THE CATERPILLAR” presented by BoxFit PH

AMRAP 11 mins
10 Synchro Goblet Squats for all Scaled, 50#/35#
30 CTB (chest to bar pull ups) for Men , Jumping Pull Ups for Women
(15 reps @ 135#, 15 reps @ 185#, 10 reps @ 225# )

So we had to do the goblet squats together and make sure we are moving at the same time and we couldn't face each other! sam had a 35lbs dumbbell , me and kiwi got 50lbs.
We had a ton of practice with this workout so we went fast like wind.


Next one was the challenging part specially for me.
We had put our feet on each other's shoulders and perform push ups. I was the last person so i had to carry a heavier weight , but we still managed to kill it and go to the next part.


And next was the chest to bar pull up, that meant we had to make sure out chest hits the bar while doing the pull ups.
We weren't the fastest at it but we didn't care much because the next movement was ours! :D


Here was my favorite movement, Deadlifts!
We destroyed the deadlifts so fast and got to the second round while other teams were having a very hard time getting through the deadlifts.
Sam lifted the 135lbs for 15reps
kiwi lifted the 185lbs for 15reps
I lifted the 225lbs for 10 reps
And we were not even slightly tired!




We got to finish 2 rounds and got ourselves in the 3rd round doing the push ups and the 11min time cap was done, I was tired but so damn happy and proud of our performance! :D


We were so excited and confident about the 3rd event! and ''SO I THOUGHT''! :/
Well let me tell you about it on my next post :)

Thank you for reading this, stay tuned for the next events of our competition!

Till then ;)


Nice photography work. Keep killin' it.

appreciate it man!
thanks to my girlfriend for the photos :)
you can check her out in instagram @jajasamaniego

health is wealth. I want fitness life. Thanks for this post.

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