Day #5 My Gym Diary

in #fitness7 years ago

So I have decided to mix it up this week with a little cardio and weight training. Starting from yesterday I completed my first Cardio workout of the week and today I completed a full body workout using weights.

The aim here is to get leaner so I have added more Cardio and Full body workouts as it promotes faster weight loss (fat)

Starting from Monday I done Cardio and you can find that in my previous post.

Today involved weights using my full body. I was worried how this would work out but I think it went pretty well and I feel great and ready to go again tomorrow. I am feeling really motivated now with exercising and it is all down to spicing things up in the gym and making workouts interesting rather than just being tedious and routine

The Workout

4 Sets 10-12 Reps Each


Incline Leg Press
Leg Extension


Incline Chest Press
Pec Dec


Shoulder Press


Pull Ups
Cable Row

This is a great workout for gaining more muscle and losing weight in the same process

On to my next Cardio session tomorrow I can't wait

5 Days of training with weights and cardio I hope to see faster results this month and next month and I hope to provide a transformation picture to show if the hard work has paid off or not

fitness steemit.jpeg

Do you have any fitness goals set I would love to hear them????


Nice program, but you should add some abs exercices !

abs are made in the kitchen not in the gym

edit: keep it up, you look and should feel great, OP

Yes thanks this is so true 80% Diet 20% Exercise but I like exercise that much I do more :)
I feel amazing seeing small results in a short time can't wait for the big results!
Thanks for your nice words!

Thank you ;) I know I added some into my Cardio day

My fitness goals are to start running again and to eat better. I have been slacking off this summer!

Thats cool! I would also love to improve my running... All in your own time doesn't matter when you start as long as you start :D Summer is for enjoying yourself ;) Can always train now and be ready for next Summer... Great goals thanks

If summer is for enjoying myself then I have succeeded. When you get to be older like I am, you have to make sure not to enjoy yourself TOO much. :)

Thats perfect you enjoyed yourself :D You're only as old as you think ... Keep enjoying every moment! x

Girl you look sooo beautiful at gym <3

Just back in my usual routine again, which is to split the days into 2 muscle groups a day but have added a lot of cardio into the mix, I'm suffering the old aches and pains from starting back up from a break 😫 I'll be training new recruits soon in the army and have to be able to run them into the ground 😂

Your boyfriend musn't get to train at all with all the pictures you make him take!

Good luck with your program sounds good to me.

Oh that sounds great... ;) I know your pain that is how I felt after a long break from exercising... Just have to get over that hurdle then the pain gets less and less!
Army training! wow that will be tough I'm sure you can run them into the ground!! Are you in the army too or you help train the guys?

No he doesn't but when he does train I push him more haha 😂

I need the luck this week after two days rest and a few naughty drinks at the weekend :) Hope you had a nice weekend!

Yea im in the army so fitness is kinda my job 😂

It's always good to have someone to train with...and take pictures 😂 that's a good thing for him though because I know like with my fianceé I can't let her get the upper hand and she thinks the same!

As long as you just stick to vodka, f all calories in that!

Aw that is cool nice to learn about you :) That is a great job to have then keeping fit!!
Yes he is my gym photographer I think he likes taking the pictures secretly!!
A bit of healthy competition then with your fiance thats always fun haha!!
I have been drinking Mai Tai's so not so good but that is me officially off it because I can't handle the hangovers anymore!! LOL :D

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