23 Jan 2018 Push pull day - Challenge completed

in #fitness7 years ago (edited)


Commando rocking
FTW squats
Butterfly hip flows
Kettlebell C&P 16kg - 15L, 15R
12 bodyweight pullups

Training Pullups & Chinups

Done on the medium bar (smaller of the two in the picture) today

Kettlebell C&P 24kg 8L, 8R
Pullups bodyweight @83kg + 24kg - 7 reps
Kettlebell C&P 28kg 5L, 5R
Pullups bodyweight + 28 kg - 5 reps
HSPU on parallettes - 5 reps
Pullups bodyweight + 44kg - 3 reps
HSPU on parallettes - 4 reps
Chinups bodyweight + 52kg - 2 reps
Kettlebell C&P 32kg 3L, 3R
Towel assisted one arm chinup bodyweight + 6kg 3L, 3R no assistance on the negative phase


Kettlebell C&P 24 kg - 6L, 6R
Pullups bodyweight + 24 kg - 6 reps

Total - 113 reps

Total time - just under 1 hour.

I know my pictures of my training gear don't look very attractive but I didn't make them for their sex appeal, I just wanted bulletproof reliable gear that will outlast me now matter how hard I punish it. The bars are mounted on short chains with snap hooks that hang from a doorway. I also use the same chains that these hang from to hang my gymnastic rings, vertical pullup handles and wrist wrench bar.

Most people who try a pullup on bars suspended by chains tend to think they are more difficult because of the added instability but I don't notice any difference between them and a fixed bar I have outside. I actually find it a bit easier to stabilise myself between reps on a bar suspended by chains.

I've never met anyone with the grip strength to do a pullup on the fat bar while gripping the revolving sleeves & I really enjoy watching people slip off without doing a full rep. They sure are ugly but they are some of the most effective training tools I've ever used.

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