Take charge of your life through your body

in #fitness7 years ago

Now a day`s technologies have made human being lazy. Due to which he doesn't take care of his body and become entirely dependent on the machine for each and every work and thus hurt his health. Formerly scientist believed that our body and mind are different entities, but now they suggest that mind and body are deeply integrated. We can use our mind to influence our body. Aimworkout.com says, In our day-to-day life, we can see that one's posture clearly shows what going in his/her minds.

Lets us see some points through which you can take charge of your life through your body.

  • Stress Management: To take charge of your life, first of all, it's necessary to manage your stress. As stress management is all about taking charge of your lifestyle, thoughts, emotions and the way you deal with your problem. Through these steps, you can manage your stress.
  • Move your body frequently that doesn't sit for more than one hour.
  • Enjoy your everyday.
  • Get the adequate amount of sleep.
  • Minimize intake of caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol.
  • Connect yourself to the outer world.
  •   Ample Sleep: It is a factor that is commonly neglected. Adequate sleep can help in taking charge of our life as a good night sleep is incredibly important for our body. If we don’t get proper sleep, we feel dizzy and weak whole day. In fact, according to research the short amount of sleep is also a major reason for weight gain. Sleep is also important for various brain functions. An adequate amount of sleep can improve concentration and creativity. Due to an inadequate amount of sleep, one can lead to depression as well. So, it is necessary to get an adequate amount of sleep.
  •   Exercise: Exercise is the most important factor through which we can take charge of our life. There are many advantages of exercise by which we can control our life. We feel great physically and if we are physically fit than it reduced the chance of becoming depressed. It also increases mental and social well-being. According to studies, physical activity helps in achieving a better quality of life, improved sleep, and reduced stress as well as stronger relationship and social connectedness. Exercise has also been shown to release chemical triggering a positive response in your body.
  • Step out of your comfort zone: In taking charge of your life, it is necessary to come out your comfort zone. Because you need to know that anything can happen when you try something new, and at that time you should be able to face your fear. You should be comfortable while taking risks. When you decide something to do it for your sake and don't worry about the result. At that time just live in the moment. When things don't go your way just accepts as they are. Because most of the greatest lessons in life are learned by taking risks and living outside of your comfort zone. It also helps you to transform into a person, become more confident, gain new experiences and enrich your life.
  • Positive attitude: Having a positive attitude can help you a lot in controlling your life. For this, you need to feed positively into your brain. It helps to maintain a positive attitude. It also lowers the level of distress and rate of depression and increased the lifespan. Sometimes it is difficult to stay positive, but you should try your best to stay positive. You should change the way of your thinking. While trying to maintain a positive attitude seek to surround yourself with positive people. Once you have maintained a positive attitude you feel like the stress of your day to day life is vanished and you don’t have any problem in your life.
  • Community involvement: People who contribute and attend the community such as church, synagogue, etc. are believed to live longer in comparison to individuals who are not involved. It's good to get out in the community and doing good deeds for others. The nature and habit of helping others give you an inner serenity and sense of happiness and positivity.    


These are only just a few ways through which you can take charge of your life through your body, but there are much more ways. It takes only one person to change your life, and it's you so from today start taking charge of your life. It is often said that if you don’t program yourself life will program you.


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