holofit update #3

in #fitness6 years ago (edited)
Today, I had my second weigh in since beginning use of the scales located at the gym as a mode of comparison.

The last time, 112.5 KG. Today, 109.8 KG. The loss? 2.7 kilograms of butterflies.

The meme? Poignant.

Weight loss isn't the only objective I'm chasing though, and my food / meal plan is going really well.

I haven't even had a cheat meal apart from some grapes "out of cycle", and plan to indulge, as per regular, in a chicken burger at the Jade next week, along with sweet potato chips. That'll be my cheat meal; and a healthier option. I might even ask for it with no sauce!

While I'm not your typical "gym bro" who wants to go in and lift the heavy things, lifting weights on a regular basis has definitely been a big part of the routine. My trainer is making me both love, and hate work on the core, with Russian twists and weighted sit ups a regular torture.

The thing that I have been most impressed with, however, is the times I've been managing to reduce over a 2KM treadmill run.

So impressed, that I made a table. Not a table that you eat at, one that you put data into!

DateSeconds to 2KMAverage Speed

That means that my progress looks a little like this:

I've improved, in five days, my 2KM time trial by 6.5% I'll have another crack at 2KM on the treadmill tomorrow, and try to do it at a sustained pace of 10KM/h, another small enhancement, or goal to make. I'll continue to plot this chart, to see how far I can push those tiny little mitochondria within my cells.

There's the objective data, what about subjective?

I'm starting to feel better all around, with no more unexplained aches or pains. I haven't had a headache in a month, which is probably owing to the fact that I'm getting more sunlight (what little there is to absorb in a cloudy winter month) - and the better food choices that I'm making.

I swear; this endeavor is making me a better cook. Simple spices and adornments like garlic, olive oil, and things like pine nuts, pistachios, and cashews add excellence to meals on non-training days, and the blender gets a daily workout for a morning smoothie.

I feel like for breakfast, on training days, when I have a protein shake + bannana + oats (no milk involved here, btw) that it is almost too much to eat in one session, and leaves me feeling full and energetic for the morning even beyond lunch.

Nutrition. It is real. It makes you feel a hell of a lot better; and it makes wondering "what am I going to eat" a much less complex equation.

And the things I'm not looking forward to!

In a few weeks, I have a remedial massage booked for one hour. With the torment that deep tissue massage generally places upon my body via the physiotherapist - I've got no idea how I'm going to cope with this for an hour. I'll whimper like a hurt puppy throughout. My only solace will be that it will end, eventually.

Until the next time I update about my fitness (should be another week!) - stay alive, Steemians!


Well done. Your plan seems to be working. Remedial massage hurts less than physio, but it's still not relaxing.

I have a chiro appointment directly afterwards. It'll be a grand experience!

Awesome man, sounds like your making some really good early gains! Keep it up, it feels so good to eat out and move the body!

I'm thinking I'll start testing endurance next, with a 5k time trial on the treadmill, to see what baseline I can establish, then work to getting that <30 minutes. I think it should be possible with my current 2km times, but don't know how I'll do endurance wise!

You’ll get there man, it’s all about staying consistent, i did walk/run from 2-5km during my early progression. Then eventually your just running the full 5km. I still like the “body for life” high point technique for treadmill running. For some reason I can get into steady state in the treadmill and have trouble doing intervals and not running steady state outside

You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

Today, I had my second weigh in since begining using the scales located at the gym as a mode of comparison.
It should be beginning instead of begining.

Thank you!

That's pretty cool. It's important to look at your 'why' (as in, "Why am I doing this?") because every journey has a beginning, middle and end.
There are times when it will be tough, and there will be temptations, etc.

I went from 120kg in 2016, down to 102kg, and then back up to 110kg where I can vary in weight by a kilo or two daily. The weight came back when I stopped being as active. I was walking a local 1km fitloop track every night. I would clock up anywhere between 7km and 10km daily and I was monitoring my calories.

I found work that meant a lot of walking and long hours, and then I had other people nagging me to monitor every calorie (once it goes from being a personal thing to being an external thing, it loses flavour real quick!).

I needed support, not nagging. See, I was doing the fitness for me, not other people. You will so find a lot of unsolicited advice regarding nutrition. Mostly, it's about calorie intake and expenditure. Most foods that are low in calories are nutrient rich. Most foods high in calories aren't. Some foods are not as bad as you think and some 'healthy' food are insanely high in calories.

In general, you're doing well and I think it's a matter of ignoring the hype and doing your own research.

Definitely! It helps that I enjoy a lot a seafood (and that's lean) - and regularly prefer turkey over chicken (which is leaner) - where I tend to fall off the wagon is pizza.

I need to limit my exposure to pizza, and pasta, and just keep consistently burning more than I put in my mouth.

That's the end goal. I'm doing this whole endeavor to prevent further complications later in life, and for a way to help manage mental health. The rush of endorphins your body gives you when you push yourself really hard is reward enough!

I used to listen to a podcast called 'The Mental Illness Happy Hour' (along with several other comedy based podcasts) while walking. Some of the stuff can be quite triggering, but it can unlock the mental crap from the past and coupled with the endorphins from exercise can be very beneficial.

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