A short but extremely dangerous run

in #fitness5 years ago

I hate running, to be honest I don't really even care for most cardio unless some sort of sport is going on like basketball or soccer (no one plays american football over here, unfortunately.)

But this is why trail running appeals to me so much, it's like a hike but it can be a race if you want it to be because there are normally 20 or 30 people involved.

That was the case on last weeks short, but very dangerous hike / run.


The safety briefing is more of a joke than anything else, because most members are already aware of the rules and if you are not there is plenty of time to discuss it on trail. Basically, when you encounter a circle the trail continues somewhere in the vicinity within 100 meters or so. Once it is found you "break" the circle in the direction that the path continues so that people can behind you can easily find it.

This particular run was significantly shorter than others I have done but far more treacherous.


About 1.5 km in, we headed into that and were faced with a circle check and I was looking at this really steep hill of probably 75 degrees or so and was thinking "there is no way we have to go up that!" ... but that is exactly what the guy who made the trail did to us. Several people fell and also dirt and rocks were getting kicked down the hill onto the people that were behind.

my climb was made even more difficult because I carry a bottle of water with me and well, it's tough to grab a tree for support when you are carrying something. I also couldn't get a photo so you're just going to have to take my word for it.

Once we got to the top it became much easier but now everyone was dirty and sweaty as hell.


Here you can see "Alice" (who is a man) running the trail at the top. That 3k or so was nice, but as they say "what goes up must come down" and thankfully the decline was a little more gradual than the incline and we were even treated to a nice view of a lake of sorts.


This is clearly a flooded quarry rather than an actual lake, but if you look closely you can see that there were a few people swimming in it anyway. This was near the end.


Except for the really dangerous beginning, this was not a tough run at less than 5k. Tomorrow is the big one and it has me a little bit nervous because it is a half-marathon and also off road. I will be preparing for it a bit more than I do these other runs and will also bring extra socks, water, and probably some band-aids and food as well.

Wish me luck! I'm gonna need it as I have never never attempted something like this before.


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Good luck, keep a positive attitude!!

Trail? More like Trial I would say! I too hate cardio unless there’s sport involved that’s why I play Tennis given the chance.

It doesn’t compare to a run workout though. No snakes in these places biting your legs?

there's plenty of things biting you and yes snakes live there but i am yet to encounter one. The most frequent annoyance is you trundle through some jungle and get stung by all the "sticker plants" and then 20 yards down the path you realize that you are now covered in biting ants who are not real pleased about you being near their home. Occassionally we will get some horseflies in the mix who will pursue you relentlessly after you are ages from their home. It just kind of comes with the territory :)

Sounds bad, I don’t know what sticker plants are but I’m not fond of things being stuck on me.

I have yet to encounter a snake either and they do live here.

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well when i say sticker plants that it just a word i use for anything that has something sharp on it... the worst one the ones quite near the ground that end up in my socks and end up poking me for the rest of the run. On my long run tomorrow i am bringing several pairs of socks in case it happens then.

I've been cut by some of the sharp vine plants too but normally this happens when i am trying to be a hero on the trail.

They call em thistle's here, spiky horrible things that do stick in your socks. I come across all kinds of nasties during my Urbex trips.

It's one of the hazards of the trade :)

Good Luck with the next run!
Socks, band-aids, food .. you better bring something to make fire with as well. Also, you may want to call Bear Grylls and see if he wants to tag along. Sounds as if his assistance may be needed! haha. Sounds fun .. as I sit here in my warm dry house with a steady resting heart rate.

as I have never never attempted something like this before.

Well your trying all kinds of new things this year, aren't you?! Agian good luck and can't wait to see those photos :-)

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You should get one of those water back pack things that has the tube that just goes in your mouth and the insulated pack keeps your water cool and stuff. That way you would have your hands free to grab onto the trees and stuff. I am thinking about getting one for the Summer. I think my wife and I are going to be doing more hiking this year than we have in the past and it might come in handy. I have been getting up at 4 am for the past couple of weeks now and though it hasn't gotten any easier to get up out of bed at that time, once I am up and exercising, it hasn't been as horrible as I thought it would be. I am just hoping I can see some results soon. If am doing all this work for nothing, I am going to be pretty disappointed!

they are called Camelback if i am not mistaken and i had one when i moved here but the water pouch, in this humidity was so covered in i dunno even what, that it was so disgusting that I would never have drunk from it ever again.

I was looking at some dude's blog lately and i don't recall his name but he was exercising and eating almost entirely meat and saw great gains or something.

What are you trying to accomplish? Weight loss? Better cardio? become a morning person?

Oh, good point. I wouldn't have considered what the humidity might do to something like that. Sounds like quite the science experiment. I have actually been trying to cut down on my red meat intake, so I don't think I want to go back down that path. I think ultimately I am trying to lose some weight and maybe get to the point where I could run a 5k one day. My friend who is a little older than me having a heart attack on top of my cancer fight has really given me some perspective.

hike a 5k dude. Running in a straight line is beyond us at this point and it is boring as hell. I know you have access to trails... maybe track it... i bet you go further than most people do.

I hate street running and as you will see from my most recent post I am more than capable of distance running but I would want to go home as much as the next guy if my only choice was to run for the sake of running distance.... it simply is not how i believe people were meant to function.

I am hoping that my wife and I can do some more trail walking this Summer. I was toying around with getting some snow shoes at one point, but so far this Winter has been pretty light in the snow department for us :P. I used to walk on the treadmill when we had one. Yeah it was boring, but I knew I was doing something good for my body. At this point I am not being too picky about where or when I get the exercise. I just know I need it. I have a follow up Doctors appointment in a couple weeks and I am hoping to see some results on the scale. Plus I am keeping an eye on my clothes to see if they start having a little more give. Thanks for the awesome insight and input. I truly do value it.

Just keep the positivity!

Good luck on your next run!

Wow gooddream, a half marathon! How did that go? This one looked like quite a challenge. I love these hash posts!

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