Basic nutrition to increase muscle mass (low income people)

in #fitness7 years ago

Good morning friends of steemit this blog is dedicated for all those people who are in a gym and want to increase muscle mass but do not have money for large diets.

It is necessary to keep in mind that physical improvement consists of 3 bases that are training, feeding and rest.
Food is the most important basis and at the same time the most difficult to meet, either because it is difficult to eat properly or because of the amount of money that must be spent to cover all the nutrients necessary for your physical improvement.

Currently in my country (Venezuela) we live a great economic crisis that makes it difficult to buy multiple foods, what most people do not know is that you can create a very nutritious food plan that is not so expensive.
Needless to say that the human body needs 3 basic nutrients for its best functioning and these are proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

Proteins are the recovery of muscle tissue and act as receptors or facilitate the transport of substances among other functions. Example chicken, meat, fish, egg, dairy, grains, etc.

The main function of carbohydrates in the body is that they are the main source of energy, ie they are energy molecules; however, they also fulfill functions such as saving proteins, regulate the metabolism of lipids, structural. Example rice pasta vegetables fruits etc.

Essential fatty acids also make up prostaglandins, which control inflammation in the body. Fats are vital in the hormonal balance, since they are composed of fats particularly of sterols such as cholesterol. Adrenaline, noradrenaline, estrogen, progesterone and testosterone are examples of fat-dependent hormones. That is why low-fat diets are not recommended and is also the reason why hormonal imbalances occur, especially in women who have a diet restricted in fat. Example of good fats omega 3 olive oil, coconut, avocado, tuna, sardines, nuts, etc.

Everything looks at first sight as extremely expensive that's why here I leave an example of a low-cost food plan.

Meal # 1 hour 6am
. 2 eggs in tortilla seasoned.
. A rate of oatmeal (6 tablespoons) cooked without milk.
.2 sliced slices with honey.
In this first meal we have fiber proteins carbohydrates and natural sugars necessary to start the day in an optimal way.

Meal # 2 hour 9am
.a sweet potato or ½ banana parboiled
.2 or 3 grilled sardines
.1 / 3 avocado
In the second meal we have complex carbohydrates that provide a good caloric balance as well as proteins and some healthy fats and omega 3.

Meal # 3 hour 12pm
.Rice or pasta 100gr that would be about 15 spoons.
.grains (lentils caraota beans) 100gr aprox.
.150gr of chicken or meat
Green vegetable salad (brocolli cauliflower lettuce) a mixed rate.
In the third meal we have energy gains with complex carbohydrates as well as a percentage of 30% extra protein from the grains and also from lean proteins such as chicken and meat, we have omega 3 thanks to green vegetables.

Meal # 4 hour 3pm
Vegetables (any type of tubers) or rice 100gr
chicken or meat 100gr
In the 4th meal we have a contribution of carbohydrates plus proteins that will give an energy balance to the body.
Lunch # 5 hour 7pm
.root pasta or vegetables

Meal # 6 hour 9pm
50gr of coconut or avocado
A glass of milk

In the last meal of the day we have a mostly protein source such as milk that contains some carbohydrates but most importantly we have a source of good natural fats that will help us process slower meals in our sleep hours and combat catabolism.

This nutritional plan is based on a person of no more than 70kilos as the person gains weight or if the person who proposes to use this advice must take into account that he must consume more quantity to be able to better assimilate the glucose in the cells which will lead to better muscle gain.
Remember that you must have a good training (1 hour) and adequate rest for better results.
Avoid the consumption of omega 3 fats and good fats after training because it delays the digestive process and the most optimal thing for you is to eat something quickly absorbed after your training to recover and avoid catabolisation.

I hope you serve this blog friends of steemit, GREETINGS ..!

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